EVE-NG MPLS L3VPN basic networking

1 Topology 2 Configuration steps 2.1 Configure the interface IP and routing protocol on the MPLS node PE1 interface LoopBack 0 ip address 32 quit interface GigabitEthernet4/0 ip address 24 quit ospf 1 area 1 network network quit quit P interface LoopBack 0 ip address 32 quit interface […]

Realize the networking function of chatgpt with python

Networking function of chatgpt Preparation a google account A chatgpt API key python environment Setup Google Json API Write code Configure environment variables Call the gpt interface to filter information Configure Google Chrome Interface Variables Obtain information through crawlers Enter the obtained information into gpt Complete code Preparation A Google account Since this project calls […]

docker – container networking

1. Overview The container ip will change every time the Docker container is restarted. This also means that if the containers use ip addresses to communicate, once a container is restarted, the restarted container will no longer be accessible. The Docker network can solve this problem. The Docker network mainly has the following two functions: […]

iOS development-AFNetworking network request and upload and download functions

iOS development-AFNetworking network request and upload and download functions AFNetworking is a lightweight iOS network communication library that facilitates network requests. 1. Using AFNetworking Install in Podfile pod ‘AFNetworking’ import AFNetworking #import “AFNetworking.h” AFNetworking download address: https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking 2. AFHTTPSessionManager AFHTTPSessionManager provides various request methods and supports https format. AFHTTPSessionManager can allow invalid SSL certificates AFHTTPSessionManager […]

Networking with Volley: A Guide for Android

Directory 1 Introduction 2. Add Volley dependency 3. Create a Volley request queue 3.1 Create Application class 3.2 Register Application class 4. Send a GET request 4.1 Create a network request 4.2 Send a GET request and process the response 5. Send a POST request 5.1 Create a network request 5.2 Send a POST request […]

MTI 6.S081 Labnetworking

[MTI 6.S081 Lab] networking Backgroud Your Job (hard) Experimental task solution In this experiment, when dns is resolved, it fails to request its dns server, so the dns server in nettest is changed to my own. The modified position is about line 235 of nettest.c. I didn’t look at the specific use of the equipment […]

Deciphering How the Linux TCP Networking Stack Works

Table of Contents 1. Decipher how the Linux TCP network stack works 1.1. TCP Network Development API 1.1.1. API called by TCP server 1.1.2. API called by TCP client 1.1.3. Functions of API functions 1.2. The three phases of TCP 1.2.1. TCP connection establishment 1.2.2. TCP three-way handshake 1.2.3. TCP state transition 1.3. TCP transfer […]

Docker container networking and resource management controls

Docker container networking 1. Docker network implementation principle 2. Docker network mode Detailed network mode: ①host mode ②container mode ③none mode ④ bridge mode ⑤Custom network 3. Resource Control Ⅰ. CPU resource control Ⅱ. Restrictions on memory usage Ⅲ. Restrictions on disk IO quota control (blkio) 1. Docker network implementation principle Docker uses Linux bridge […]

Arduino IDE configuration ESP32 dev module development (SmartConfig distribution network, storage NVS, reading NVS, networking, web page control LED)

1. Arduino IDE configuration (main points, not a step-by-step tutorial for novices) 1. Download the latest version of Arduino IDE; Website: Software | Arduino, download Arduino IDE 2.1.1; 2. Install the ESP32 development board package. It is very troublesome to try various paths. Avoid detours and search for lighting technology directly. Praise the light of […]