java_Springboot_Mybatis-Plus_Customized multi-data source MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean configuration

java_Springboot_Mybatis-Plus_Customized multi-data source MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean configuration method Directory java_Springboot_Mybatis-Plus_Customized multi-data source MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean configuration method I. Introduction 2. Environment 3. Problems encountered during the integration process 3.1 Invalid bound statement (not found) error 3.2 Default data source problem 3.3 Mybatis-Puls paging component failure problem 4. Test whether the data source is correct 5. Summary 1. Introduction The […]

The ‘infamous’ double-check lock

The “infamous” double-check lock When studying “C++ Concurrent Programming in Practice”, the author mentioned the “infamous” double-check locking, but the potential conditional competition in it was a bit vague. Here are a few notes. Lazy man mode and hungry man mode There are two types of singleton patterns that we often use, one is the […]

Spring’s post-processor-BeanFactoryPostprocessor

Table of Contents Spring post-processor Bean factory post-processor-BeanFactoryPostProcessor Modify beanDefinition object Add beanDefiniton object method one Method Two Custom @Component Spring post-processor Spring post-processor is an important expansion point of Spring’s openness to the outside world (allowing us to add our own logic), allowing us to intervene in the entire instantiation process of Bean to […]

Spring underlying analysis–5.BeanFactory post-processor

Table of Contents 1.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor post-processor 2.MapperScannerConfigurer 3.@ComponentScan component scanning 1.Principle 2.Verification 3. Extraction method 3.@Bean implementation 1.Principle 2.Verification 3. Extraction method 4. @Mapper implementation 1.Principle 2.Verification (1) Create two mappers, under the com.jjh.mapper package: (2) Implement it in the configuration class: 3. Extraction method 1.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor post-processor First create a configuration class @Configuration public class Config […]

Microcontroller development | Design of infant sleep monitoring system based on microcontroller

Author Home Page: Programming Compass About the author: High-quality creator in the Java field, CSDN blog expert, CSDN content partner, Nuggets guest author, Alibaba Cloud blog expert, 51CTO guest author, many years of architect design experience, Tencent classroom resident lecturer Main contents: Java projects, Python projects, front-end projects, artificial intelligence and big data, resume templates, […]

Springboot extension point BeanFactoryPostProcessor

Collection of implementation methods and working principles of Springboot extension point series: Springboot extension point ApplicationContextInitializer Springboot extension point BeanFactoryPostProcessor Springboot extension point BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor Springboot extension point BeanPostProcessor Springboot extension point InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor Springboot extension point SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor Springboot extension point ApplicationContextAwareProcessor Springboot extension point @PostConstruct Springboot extension point InitializingBean Springboot extension point SmartInitializingSingleton Springboot extension point […]

Article directory Environment | Environment Error log | Error log Cause Analysis | Analysis org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.cache.RedisCacheConfiguration org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultSerializer Solution | Solution Talk is cheap, show me the code. Environment | Environment k version OS windows 10 jdk 1.8 Spring Boot 2.3. 4.RELEASE Error log | Error log 2023-09-15 12:08:33.513 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-8] c.i.c.c.GlobalExceptionHandler.handleException( Error message: Canserialize; […]

16. Docker container monitoring CAdvisor+InfluxDB+Granfana

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. Original command 3. CAdvisor + InfluxDB + Granfana 3.1. What is CAdvisor? 3.2. What is Influxdb? 3.3. What is Granfana? 4. Installation and use 4.1. Install influxdb 4.2. Install CAdvisor 4.3. Install Granfana 4.4. Access Influxdb 4.5. Create CAdvisor database 4.6. Access CAdvisor 4.7. Grafana configuration 1. Foreword There […]