Jellyfin transcoding and tone mapping efficiency improvements: enable processor low voltage mode (GuC/HuC)

Jellyfin transcoding and tone mapping efficiency improvements System environment Pull the nyanmisaka/jellyfin image Turn on low voltage mode Jellyfin configuration Enable QSV and low voltage mode decoding Turn on tone mapping (based on OpenCL) Actual measurement Verify low voltage mode Actual measurement of transcoding frame rate Test video overview Version 221029 vs Version 230901 Turn […]

[MyBatis Plus] MyBatis Plus extension: Use the code generator to automatically generate code, the use of Db static tool classes, logical deletion, and the use of enumerations and JSON processors

Article directory 1. Automatically generate code 1.1 Install plug-in 1.2 Generate code 2. Db static tool class 2.1 Understanding of Db static tool class 2.2 Use cases of Db static tool class 3. Logical deletion 4. Enumeration processor 4.1 Define enumeration constants 4.2 Configure enumeration processor 4.3 Test field conversion of enumeration processor 5. JSON […]

Spring IOC – ConfigurationClassPostProcessor source code analysis

As mentioned above, Spring will manually register 5 Processor classes into the beanDefinitionMap during the Bean scanning process. ConfigurationClassPostProcessor is what this article will explain. This class will be called in the refresh() method by calling invokeBeanFactoryPosstProcessors(beanFactory). The list of 5 Processor classes is as follows: Class name Whether BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor Whether BeanFactoryPostProcessor Whether BeanPostProcessor ConfigurationClassPostProcessor […]

[Source code analysis] Spring source code interpretation-beanFactory and Bean’s post-processor process

In the previous article, we introduced in detail how spring successfully created beanfactory by loading the xml configuration file. Following the core process, we continue to talk about the post-processing process of beanFactory and Bean. //Template method left to subclasses, allowing subclasses to continue to perform some processing on the factory; Allows post-processing of the […]

Springboot extension point series_ApplicationContextAwareProcessor

Features ApplicationContextAwareProcessor itself is not an extension point, but implements BeanPostProcessor and implements postProcessBeforeInitialization(), so there is no need to implement it, but it contains the execution timing of the following 6 interfaces. The functions of these interfaces are: : 1. EnvironmentAware: Used to obtain Environment. Environment can obtain all parameters in the system. In […]

Springboot extension point series_SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor

Features The following figure shows the UML class diagram of the SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor extension point. It can be seen that SmartInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor inherits the InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor interface, and the InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor interface inherits BeanPostProcessor. For the functional characteristics, implementation examples, and working principles of the InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor and BeanPostProcessor interfaces, see Springboot extension point Instanti ationAwareBeanPostProcessor and The Springboot extension […]

Springboot extension point series_BeanPostProcessor

Features 1. BeanPostProcessor is a Bean-level extension interface. After the Bean instantiation managed by Spring is completed, two extension points are reserved; 2. The implementation method of these two extensions is to implement the BeanPostProcessor interface and register the implementation class in the Spring container; 3. The two extension points are the postProcessBeforeInitialization method and […]