DOM event propagation mechanism

DOM event propagation mechanism Classic test questions Let’s talk about event delegation and the bubbling principle Events and event streams Events first appeared in IE3 and NetscapeNavigator2 as a means to share the computing burden on the server. To interact with web pages, you need to use events in JavaScript. Every time a user interacts […]

Transaction propagation, isolation level and @Transactional failure in Spring

Four characteristics of transactions 1. Atomicity: All database operations included in the transaction either succeed or fail and are rolled back. 2. Consistency: A transaction must be in a consistent state before and after execution. Take transfers as an example, assuming that the total money of user A and user B is 5,000, then no […]

Interpretation of YOLOV5 source code from the perspective of backpropagation: How to improve the performance of the model from the perspective of changing the optimizer, loss function calculation method, etc.?

Foreword In the previous article, the author mainly focused on frontline reasoning, which is the forward part, and solved an important issue in adjusting the model structure: Where should it be adjusted? How to add and use a new network layer? It points out a way for beginners who want to use the framework improvements […]

Spring transaction propagation behavior (Propagation Behavior)

Spring transaction propagation behavior (Propagation Behavior) describes how to coordinate and interact between multiple transactions. It defines how transactions should be propagated when one transaction method is called by another transaction method. In Spring, propagation behavior is defined as a set of predefined values that describe the behavior of a transaction in a method call […]

Building a forward backpropagation neural network with modern C++230829a

Examples of building neural networks using modern C++, initializing weight matrices, forward and backpropagation neural networks. Construct a fully connected neural network (backpropagation Neural Network) with any number of layers and any number of nodes in each layer. This example also includes basic gradient descent optimization, which requires the implementation of an XOR neural network […]

Spring transactions and transaction propagation mechanism (2)

Foreword The SSM column is being updated. You guys think it’s a good write-up. Please support it. Thank you! Spring + Spring MVC + MyBatis_Leng Xixue’s Blog-CSDN Blog In the Spring framework, transaction management is a mechanism used to maintain the consistency and integrity of database operations. Spring transaction management provides a flexible way to […]

Spring transactions and transaction propagation mechanism

1. Implementation of transactions in Spring Programmatic transactions (manually write code to operate transactions) Declarative transactions (use annotations to automatically open and submit transactions) 2. Programmatic transactions import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import mybatis.model.User; import mybatis.service.UserService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; //Programmatic transactions (manually write code to operate transactions) @Slf4j @RestController […]

Spring transactions and transaction propagation mechanism (1)

Foreword The SSM column is being updated, everyone thinks it is well written, please support it, thank you! Spring + Spring MVC + MyBatis_Leng Xixue’s Blog-CSDN Blog In the Spring framework, transaction management is a mechanism for maintaining the consistency and integrity of database operations. Spring transaction management provides a flexible way to handle transactions, […]