springboot combined with redis to implement ranking list

springboot combines with redis to implement daily rankings prerequisite knowledge core steps Prerequisite knowledge Commonly used zset API of redisTemplate: add(K key, V value, double score): will specify The members are added to the sorted set and their scores are set. The parameter key represents the key name of the ordered set, value represents the […]

(6) Pandas data ranking, calculation, formatting

Data sorting and ranking Data sorting The sort_values() method is mainly used when sorting DataFrame df.sort_values(by,axis=0,ascending=True,inplace=False,kind=’quicksort’,na_position=’last’,ignore_index=False) Parameter description: by: the list of names to sort axis: axis, 0 means row, 1 means column, default row sorting ascending: ascending or descending order, Boolean value, you can use a Boolean value list to specify multiple sorting, descending […]

Matplotlib | Advanced Drawing Case [3] – Ranking of Universities in Five War Zones

Article directory 1. Import module 2. Data processing 2.1 Efficient data 2.2 School ranking 3. Drawing 3.1 Draw the map and set the polar coordinate system 3.2 Draw a histogram of school rankings 3.3 Draw the sector-shaped areas of the five theaters 3.4 Add war zone and school text 3.5 Top three schools highlighted 3.6 […]

Adversarial Personalized Ranking for Recommendation Sys

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction With the popularization of the Internet, the rise of e-commerce and the introduction of electronic consumer goods and services, the rapid development of online shopping, online shopping, mobile payment, online games and various social media applications has promoted the rapid development of the Internet economy […]

Batea: an AI-based context-driven network device ranking tool

Batea Batea is a context-driven network device ranking framework based on the anomaly detection branch of machine learning algorithms. The main goal of Batea is to allow and help security teams use nmap scan reports to automatically filter network assets of interest in large networks. Batea working mechanism Batea works by constructing a numerical representation […]

The cornerstone of building an efficient network: Full analysis of the ranking of the top ten switch brands. How do network workers choose switches?

Hello, this is the Network Technology Alliance site. Switches are an important part of network infrastructure and are responsible for forwarding and processing data packets. The following are the top ten switch brands in the global market, which span multiple market sectors and have a prominent position in technological innovation and market leadership. Table of […]