[Distributed] tensorflow 1 distributed code practice and explanation; running 2 distributed worker threads on a single node

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.UnknowError: Could not start gRPC server 1. tf distributed A computer = server = server is a node that contains multiple GPUs. First of all, the distributed method is to let the GPUs on multiple computers work together. Distributed work is divided into two parts, parameter server (ps) and worker. PS and worker look familiar, […]

Web Worker: A pseudo-antidote to JS multithreading?

Foreword In the field of front-end development, the single-threaded limitation of JavaScript has always been a challenge that is difficult to ignore. When it comes to solving the single-threaded limitations of JavaScript, the Web Worker introduced by HTML5 is widely regarded as an antidote. At the same time, a large number of articles in the […]

Usage and cases of Web Woeker and Shared Worker

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. Introduction to Web Worker 3. Instructions for use and compatibility 3.1. Instructions for use 3.2. Compatibility 4. Use Web Worker 4.1. Create Web Worker 4.2. Communicate with the main thread 4.3. Terminate Web Worker 4.4. Monitor error messages 5. Use Shared Worker 4.5. Debugging Shared Worker 6. Some pitfalls in […]

laravel integrates Workerman to build websocket service, front-end call, server startup

This article has relatively complete integration code and front-end test code, as well as server startup considerations. 1. Backend (laravel5.5) 1. Composer installs Workerman composer require workerman/workerman 2. Generate an execution command. After execution, a Workerman.php file will be generated in the App\Console\Command folder. php artisan make:command Workerman 3. Open the Workerman.php file and modify […]

Memorize commands for network workers (6)—-Link aggregation configuration

Table of Contents 1. Configure link aggregation in manual load balancing mode 2. Configure link aggregation in LACP mode 3. Interconnect HUAWEI equipment with C manufacturer equipment Link Aggregation is a technology that bundles multiple physical links into a logical link to increase link bandwidth. Common configuration commands 1. Execute the command interface eth-trunk trunk-id […]

Laravel6 uses Workerman’s Gateway-worker for long-term connection communication

1. Install gateway-worker gateway-worker which has been introduced workerman/workerman. composer require worker/gateway-worker composer require worker/gatewayclient 2. Create Workerman startup file Create an artisan command line tool to start the Socket server, and create a command line file in the app/Console/Commands directory. php artisan make:command GatewayWorkerServer

Web Worker has no usage scenario? That’s just you didn’t use it

ClickFollowthe official account and reply”Benefits” You can participate in the lottery at the end of the article In an interview a few days ago, the interviewer complained that I directly use Prettier to format the code in my project. First, loading the dependency package requires a certain cost, and the formatting process may require Some […]

Chrome plug-in development: Service Worker, Content Scripts, and plug-in internal web page workflow

Chrome plug-in development: Service Worker, Content Scripts and plug-in internal web page workflow The core components of the Chrome plug-in include Service Worker, Content Scripts, and the plug-in internal web page (Popup), each of which has different workflows and functions. This article details the collaboration between these components and their purpose. 1. Service Worker Service […]

Using Service Worker and PWA in your project

Booklet This is the study material I compiled. It is very systematic and complete. You are welcome to study together. Modern JavaScript Advanced Booklet Introduction to Dart in simple terms Modern TypeScript Advanced Booklet linwu’s algorithm notes Introduction Recently, the next project has used pwa technology, which is not complicated to use. The current browser […]