Rt-Thread transplantation 6–multi-threading (KF32)

6.1 Ready List 6.1.1 Thread Readiness Priority Group The index of the thread priority table corresponds to the priority of the thread. In order to quickly find the insertion and removal positions of threads in the thread priority table, RT-Thread specially designed a thread readiness priority group. The thread ready priority group is a 32-bit […]

STM32F407: Transplantation of CMSIS-DSP library (based on library files)

Table of Contents 1. Source code download 2. Introduction to DSP library source code 3. Library-based transplantation (use of DSP library) 3.1 Experiment 1 3.2 Experiment 2 4. Compile using the V6 version of the compiler Previous article: STM32F407-Discovery’s hardware FPU-CSDN blog 1. Source code download Github address: GitHub – ARM-software/CMSIS_5: CMSIS Version 5 Development […]

[Maven]–Module splitting, aggregation, inheritance, attributes, private server

1. Module development and design Split each layer into a module and then modify the corresponding configuration file Compile each module [compile] and install [install] to the local warehouse Where needed, import it as a dependency in the pom.xml file SSM_pojo split Create a new module [no need to add a template] Copy the corresponding […]

(5) Betaflight transplanted to keil – BF_OS initialization

Table of Contents 5.6.3 BF_OS initialization systemInit() function system_clock_config(); cycleCounterInit(); tasksInitData() function (1)TASK_COUNT: (2) task_t (task control block data type): (3) task_attribute_t: 1. const int8_t staticPriority; priority attribute tasksInit(); function (1) queueAdd() function (2)getTask() function (3) clockMicrosToCycles() function (4) Get DWT count 5.6.3 BF_OS initialization (1)dshot It is the control protocol of […]

uni-app is a very easy-to-use table control, which is very useful for layout display.

Usage is very simple, add a line of css to the page /* Introduce table style sheet */ @import “../../lib/helang-table.scss”; Complete code of the page <template> <view class=”content”> <view class=”itme-box”> <view class=”title”>Default</view> <view class=”h-table”> <view class=”h-tr h-tr-3 h-thead “> <view class=”h-td”>Theme</view> <view class=”h-td”>Class name</view> <view class=”h-td”>Remarks</view> </view> <view class=”h-tr h-tr-3″> <view class=”h-td”>Default</view> <view class=”h-td h-td-colspan […]

(5) Betaflight is transplanted to keil – running on BF_OS

Table of Contents __attribute__ tool scheduler(); function (1) micros() function 1. register keyword 2. VECTACTiVE (Active vector) of SCB (System Control Block) ICSR (Interrupt Control and Status Register) 3. About __get_BASEPRI() referencing #include “platform.h” 4. microsISR() function (2) inline inline function keyword (3) Systick is used to calculate task running time? (4) schedulerExecuteTask […]

7. Basic use of Metasploit penetration testing framework

7. Basic use of Metasploit penetration testing framework 7.1 Metasploit testing framework 7.1.1 Introduction to Metasploit ? Metasploit is a penetration testing platform that enables you to find, exploit and verify vulnerabilities. The platform includes the Metasploit framework and its commercial counterparts such as Metasploit Pro. ? Metasploit is a free, downloadable framework that makes […]

Intelligent ultrasonic following distance display car based on 51 microcontroller

1 Introduction In the past two years, the requirements and difficulty of graduation projects and graduation defenses have continued to increase. Traditional graduation projects lack innovation and highlights, and often fail to meet the requirements for graduation defenses. In the past two years, junior students and junior students have constantly told Senior Xiaohong to do […]