Linux signal (signal kill alarm raise abort settimer sigaction SIGCHLD recycles child process)

1. Basic concepts of signals: 1. Signal mechanism When process A sends a signal to process B, once process B receives the signal, it will stop the executing process and process the signal. After processing the signal, it will continue to return to execute the previous process. It can be seen that the priority of […]

System timer of STM32F407

Article directory System timer SysTick Tick timer register STK_CTRL control register STK_LOAD reload register STK_VAL current value register STK_CALRB calibration value register Non-system initialization Systick timer SysTick_Init SysTick_CLKSourceConfig delay_us register delay_us library function delay_xms short time delay_ms long SysTick_Config System RTOS delay System timer SysTick The processing of the CM4 kernel is the same as […]

STM32 basic timer interrupt

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Preface 1. What is the structure of STM32 timer? 1. Structure of 51 timer 1.1 How to implement the 1s timing function? 2. Structure of […]

WebServer parsing timer Timer class (1)

Premise:This WebServer version is not the one on, this version is, using the Reactor model At the same time, this is my personal understanding and personal analysis when I was studying, so my analysis may be wrong, and I welcome corrections and exchanges. The main function of the Timer class 1.TimerNode uses the […]

STM32 timer & PWM application programming

STM32 Advanced: Timer & amp;PWM Application Programming Preface STM32 timer introduction Timer type basic timer Universal timer Timer application Timer configuration Mathematical formula for timer STM32-PWM introduction PWM working principle STM32PWM module PWM parameter configuration PWM comparison Sample program Timer application Experimental requirements code Experimental effect Application of PWM Experimental requirements code Experimental effect Summarize […]

Peripheral advanced timer complementary output with dead zone control experiment

Introduction to complementary output with dead zone control, H bridge, channel introduction In this section, we will learn to use the complementary output with dead zone control function of the advanced timer. Friends who are new to this knowledge may ask: What is complementary output? And with dead zone control? What? Let me tell you […]

PSP – Protein Complex AlphaFold2 Multimer MSA Pairing Logic and Optimization

Welcome to follow my CSDN: URL of this article: In protein complex structure prediction, when the sequence is a heterologous multi-chain, whether it is AB or AABB, MSA pairing is required, that is, MSA Pairing. During the search process of MSA, the search is performed according to the single chain dimension, merged through […]

FreeRTOS software timer

The software timer is an optional feature of FreeRTOS, implemented based on the system clock beat. Its implementation does not require the use of any hardware timer resources and is not limited in quantity, only system resource permissions are required. Software timers allow specified functions to be executed after the set time has elapsed. This […]

Use of XXl-JOB+ various timers

xxl-job task scheduling Distributed task scheduling platform XXL-JOB Types of scheduled tasks: Thread—Thread.sleep method (the underlying implementation of task scheduling) The way to create multi-threads-inherit Thread to implement runable and callable (has a return value and can throw exceptions) Thread pool (can reuse threads to save resources) TimerTask—java—util new TimerTask Thread pool scheduled task ScheduledExecutorService […]

Experiment 3 STM32 timer application experiment

#include “stm32f4xx.h” #include “stm32f4xx_conf.h” uint32_t msCnt; void SysTick_Handler(void) { msCnt + + ; } void delayms(uint32_t t) { uint32_t i,j; i = j = msCnt; while((j – i) < t)j = msCnt; } static unsigned char LEDSEG[] = {0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F}; static unsigned char LEDDIG[] = {0x0E,0x0D,0x0B,0x07}; // static unsigned char LEDBuffer[4] = {0,0,0,0}; //?§o? static unsigned […]