boost-asio-1-timer usage

Article directory Preface timer Synchronous use of timers Using timers asynchronously Bind parameters to completion handler Synchronous completion handlers in multi-threaded programs Foreword There is no network library included in the C++ standard library. I need (familiarity with) a networking library that can serve as a “Swiss Army Knife” in my day-to-day network programming. Here, […]

20231027 The core and application layer based on STM32mp157a control LED lights and timer functions through subsystems

1. Write an LED driver based on the GPIO subsystem and write an application for testing stm32mp157a-fsmp1a.dts Kernel program: ledk.c #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/of_gpio.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/timer.h> struct device_node *dnode1; struct gpio_desc *gpiono1; struct gpio_desc *gpiono2; struct gpio_desc *gpiono3; struct timer_list mytimer; unsigned int *vir_rcc; struct class *cls; struct device […]

Based on the STC series microcontroller, the timer 0 scans the digital tube to display the timer/counter 1 as the counter 1 frequency generation function.

#define uchar unsigned char//Customized unsigned character type is uchar #define uint unsigned int//Customized unsigned integer type is uint #define NixieTubeSegmentCode P0//Customized digital tube segment code is the P0 group pin of the microcontroller #define NixieTubeBitCode P2//Customized digital tube bit code is the P2 group pin of the microcontroller sbit LED P1^0;//The bit defines the LED […]

[Development] 1. Processing functions: timers and timing services

Article directory 1. Basic processing functions 2. Timer and scheduled services 3. Demonstration timer under KeyedProcessFunction 4. Process re-obtains the current watermark The previous API chapter is completed. Data conversion, aggregation, windows, etc. are all based on DataStream, called DataStreamAPI, as shown in the figure: At the bottom of Flink, you don’t need to define […]

HAL Co Gen of TI TMS470 high-end timer HET configures PWM output function

Recently, when I used the PWM function of TI’s TMS470, I found that the way it is implemented using HET is very special. And there is very little relevant information, so I deliberately recorded the relevant content, hoping to assist everyone’s learning. What is HET? What is the difference from ordinary timer Timer? Before using […]

5. TIM timer interrupt (STM32)

Tasks in this section: Middle: The time base unit composed of three registers: PSC pre-distributor, CNT timer, and ARR automatic reloader (the following operation control is to control some bits of the register, such as starting and stopping up or down counting, etc.) Left: The part that provides the clock for the time base unit […]