Network programming four: UDP broadcast + UDP multicast

1. Broadcast 1. What is broadcast Unicast: A method of sending data packets with only one receiver Broadcast: sent to all hosts in the LAN at the same time 2. Features Only user datagram sockets (using UDP protocol) can broadcast. 3. Broadcast address Taking the network segment as an example: ***.***.***.255 represents the broadcast […]

Real-time video broadcast using Java

Java implements real-time video broadcast The project is only simple to implement, and subsequent improvements in performance will be completed quickly. Article directory: Brief description of implementation functions Step 1: Start the camera in the background and capture images Step 2: Send the RTP packet of the video obtained in the background to the front […]

C# .ashx background obtains the card swiping information submitted by GET, POST, and JSON, and responds to the driver card reader to display text and broadcast voice

This example uses equipment: RFID network WIFI wireless TCP/UDP/HTTP programmable secondary development card reader POE powered voice-Taobao ( <%@ WebHandler Language=”C#” Class=”HttpReader” %> using System; using System.Web; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; public class HttpReader : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { string info = “”; string jihao = “”; string cardtype = “”; […]

c language current time broadcast encapsulation to realize continuous broadcast composed of a single voice

#if 1 //Voice broadcast format The current time is 9:34 and the current step count is zero //’T’ ten //’H’ point //’M’ points PUBLIC void zwx_common_get_hm_str(uint8 * timestr) { SCI_TIME_T time = {0}; if (PNULL == timestr) { MMI_ASSERT_WARNING(“PNULL != timestr”);/*assert verified*/ return; } TM_GetSysTime( & amp;time); \t \t if(time.hour>=20) { // if(time.min == 0) […]

[ShardingSphere] Single instance mode creates sharded tables, broadcast tables, and single tables

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. ShardingSphere-Proxy default behavior 2.1 Installation 2.2 Startup 3. Design test environment 3.1 Architecture 3.2 Data mapping relationship 4. Preparation 4.1 Configure `server.yaml` 4.2 Configuration `config-logic_db.yaml` 4.3 Create the physical library configured by the data source 4.3.1 `ds_0`, `ds_1` 4.3.2 `ds_2` 4.4 Startup 4.5 (Optional) Prepare test data 4.5.1 Create logical […]

Network programming, broadcast, multicast, database sqlite3

2. Broadcasting 1. Broadcasting characteristics Multipoint communication network-wide broadcast:, which can easily cause network storms. Subnet broadcast: x.x.x.255 only allows datagram socket operations /*Set the network to allow broadcasts*/ int val = 1 setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, & amp ;val, sizeof(int)); 2. Broadcast sender process Create a datagram (udp) socket Set socket properties to allow […]

Implementing mDns broadcast sending and receiving under Windows

Here we implement the self-discovery service using mDns under Windows and insert custom data into the self-discovery service. At the end of the article there is a download link for the code on GitHub. The execution results are as follows: Running environment installation Two methods: 1. Install Apple Bonjour service Download Bonjour.msi/Bonjour64.msi yourself 2. Compile […]

Network Programming (3) – UDP (unicast, broadcast, multicast)

1. Unicast Features of UDP protocol: No connection, no guarantee of reliable transmission (possible repeated arrival, out of order, loss, no byte flow control (fast data transmission will overwhelm slow data transmission)) UDP transport UDP server (receiver) construction process UDP client (sender) building process communication process sendto and recvfrom These two functions are generally used […]

FanoutExchange broadcast (fan) switch

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Code display parent pom file pom file Configuration file config producer consumer test result 1. Introduction Sector (broadcast) switch, this switch has no concept of routing keys, even if you bind routing keys, it will be ignored. After receiving the message, this switch will forward it directly to all […]

Broadcast_200 points_A/B volume multiplexing_Unique search/dfs

Broadcast Title description: There are N radio stations in a certain place. Some of the stations are connected and some are not. Connected sites will send to each other after receiving the broadcast. Given a N * N two-dimensional array matrix, the elements of the array are all characters ‘0’ or ‘1’. matrix[i][j]=1’, means there […]