QT captures keyboard input and displays the input shortcut key combinations, and solves the problem that some key combinations (such as Ctrl+Shift+letters) cannot be recognized in the Linux environment

Recently I am working on a QT project, which requires identifying keyboard input keys to generate shortcut keys. There is a class QKeySequenceEdit in QT. Using this, you can directly obtain keyboard input. However, if you want to filter out the keys you do not want to recognize, you must rewrite it. ThekeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) function. […]

A brief analysis of how Ctrl+C in the C# console works

One: Background 1. Tell stories In the last article, we talked about why the Console is stuck. Friends who have read that article believe that they have a general understanding of conhost.exe. This article goes further and talks about the special events of the window Ctrl + C What is the underlying flow like? To […]

pinctrl subsystem – source code analysis (5)

1, pincontroller (pinctrl server) structure 1, pin controller driver matches device and executes probe diwali_pinctrl_init platform_driver_register( & amp;diwali_pinctrl_driver); //Find the device according to the match table diwali_pinctrl_probe pinctrl_data = of_device_get_match_data( & amp;pdev->dev);//Get msm_pinctrl_soc_data msm_pinctrl_probe(pdev, pinctrl_data);//Pass soc data 2, probe process int msm_pinctrl_probe(struct platform_device *pdev, const struct msm_pinctrl_soc_data *soc_data) { // 1) Allocate a msm_pinctrl structure […]

pinctrl subsystem – coupling between pinctrl and gpio (6)

1. The relationship between gpio subsystem and pinctrl subsystem As software engineers, our expected hardware design should be as shown below: The HW block of GPIO should have an equal relationship with other function multiplexed blocks. They are jointly input to a multiplexer block. The register of this block controls which functional circuit is currently […]

[Transfer] MFC CListCtrl usage tips

The following is not explained. The default view style of listctrl is report. Related classes and processing functions MFC: CListCtrl class SDK: Some macros starting with “ListView_”. Such as ListView_InsertColumn 1. CListCtrl style LVS_ICON: Display a large icon for each item LVS_SMALLICON: Display a small icon for each item LVS_LIST: Displays a list of items […]

In Vue, using the writing method of highcharts Gantt chart, the scroll wheel can hold down ctrl to scroll to zoom in and out.

<template> <div id=”containerss”> <div id=”container”></div> </div> </template> <script> import Highcharts from ‘highcharts/highstock’ import gantt from ‘highcharts/modules/gantt’ import moment from ‘moment’ import { showGanttData, projectShowAll } from ‘../../../serviceAPIs/service’ gantt(Highcharts) export default { mounted: function() { Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { rangeSelectorZoom: ”, resetZoom: ‘return’, resetZoomTitle: ‘Return to initial state’ } }) }, data() { return { // Render […]

pywin32 reads the content in the CListCtrl control

The idea is to reduce the workload by automating controls in other interfaces Deal with the find and replace function in EasyBuilder_Pro import copy import csv import ctypes import struct importsys import time importtkinter import traceback from tkinter import filedialog import commctrl import win32api import win32con import win32gui import win32process import win32ui from commctrl import […]