Netty optimization – extending the serialization algorithm in custom protocols

Netty optimization – extending the serialization algorithm in custom protocols 1. Optimization and source code 1. Optimization 1.1 Extend the serialization algorithm in custom protocols 1. Optimization and source code 1. Optimization 1.1 Extend the serialization algorithm in custom protocols Serialization and deserialization are mainly used in the conversion of message body. When serializing, the […]

Extending SQL parsing syntax in Calcite

How to use JavaCC in Calcite Calcite uses JavaCC by default to generate lexical analyzers and syntax analyzers. 1) Use JavaCC parser In Calcite, JavaCC dependencies have been encapsulated into the calcite-core module. If you use Maven as a dependency management tool, you only need to add the corresponding calcite-core module coordinates. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.calcite</groupId> <artifactId>calcite-core</artifactId> […]

When extending MybatisPlus update, specify to update to null, extend the method in mybatispuls BaseMapper

Scene The update that comes with mp will filter out null columns and not update them. Even if there are several strategies, they cannot meet the scenario. Sometimes we need to update the column to a null value, but we cannot change the overall strategy. Implementation Extend the method in BaseMapper, refer to the InsertBatchSomeColumn […]

Extending TorchScript with a custom C++ class

Extend TorchScript with a custom C++ class This tutorial is a follow-up to the Custom Operators tutorial and introduces the API we built for binding C++ classes to both TorchScript and Python. The API is very similar to pybind11 and most concepts will transfer over if you are familiar with that system. Implementing and binding […]

wechaty plugin for easily extending capabilities

The wechaty-plugin-xyao plugin allows your wechaty bot to have the ability to execute custom commands in distributed modules. why wechaty-plugin-xyao Using this plugin will bring at least the following advantages: If the logic of the bot’s business processing and WeChat communication is concentrated in a single process, as the business logic grows, problems with some […]

Application of inheritance in enumeration class (Extending Enums in Java)

Extending an Enum Type public enum BasicStringOperation {<!– –> TRIM(“Removing leading and trailing spaces.”), TO_UPPER(“Changing all characters into upper case.”), REVERSE(“Reversing the given string.”); private String description; // constructor and getter } public enum ExtendedStringOperation extends BasicStringOperation {<!– –> MD5_ENCODE(“Encoding the given string using the MD5 algorithm.”), BASE64_ENCODE(“Encoding the given string using the BASE64 algorithm.”); […]

Extending Python’s unittest framework

Directory Foreword: How to control the order in which unittest test cases are executed? Method 1, through the addTest method of the TestSuite class, load test cases in order Method 2, by modifying the function name build a wheel then Foreword: Python’s unittest module provides a standard unit testing framework, but it has some limitations, […]

Extending the C language standard library functions: implementing your own efficient tool library

Article directory 1. Introduction 1. The role and significance of C language standard library functions 2. Classification and naming rules of standard library functions 2. Commonly used standard library functions 1. String processing functions 2. Mathematical operation function 3. File operation function 4. Time and date functions 5. Random number function 6. Dynamic memory allocation […]

Extending Segment Anything to Medical Imaging

Click on “Xiaobai Xuevision” above, and choose to add “Star” or “Stick“ Heavy dry goods, delivered in the first time peg”> MedSAM: Segment Anything in Medical Images Table of Contents foreword SAM teardown analysis Understanding the Utility of SAM from a Medical Perspective MedSAM experiment Summarize refer to Foreword SAM is a model that has […]