Initiate http request in html

1 Introduction <script> /*globals window, global, require*/ /** * CryptoJS core components. */ var CryptoJS = CryptoJS || (function(Math, undefined) { var crypto; // Native crypto from window (Browser) if (typeof window !== ‘undefined’ & amp; & amp; window.crypto) { crypto = window.crypto; } // Native crypto in web worker (Browser) if (typeof self !== […]

Detailed analysis of HTML and CSS in Javaweb

2.4 Table tag Scenario: Display data neatly in the form of tables (rows and columns) on web pages. In some management systems, we will see that data is usually presented in the form of tables, such as: Class schedule, student schedule, course schedule, grade schedule, etc. Tag: : used to define the entire table, which […]

Guide to the <head> element in HTML: Detailed analysis of key knowledge points and best practices to help you optimize the head of your web page!

Recommended minimum value The following are the basic elements of any web document (website/application): <meta charset=”utf-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″> <!– The above 2 meta tags *must* come first in the <head> to consistently ensure proper document rendering. Any other head element should come *after* these tags. –> <title>Page Title</title> meta charset– defines the encoding […]

[Restrict input box value type] Custom instruction el-input input type restriction, vue and html versions

Foreword We often encounter input boxes that need to be restricted to numbers. Because the user is outrageous, he insists on entering English or Chinese where the numbers are clearly entered. However, it is more troublesome to use the UI framework or write your own methods to verify the form. It is very troublesome to […]

Front-end (html) uses Echarts to draw heat maps – json data format

1. Download the echarts.js file from the official website 1.1 Echart official website: Download – Apache ECharts 1.2 Drag the downloaded echarts.js file to the same directory as the html file 2. Use Python to implement data file format conversion (.xlsx-.json) 2.1 Reasons for converting data format PM2.5 monitoring data: 30 days a month, monitoring […]

Java implements Pdf to Html-pdf2htmlEX tool

This article uses the system CentOS 7 1. Obtain the compressed package Click to download pdf2htmlEX-0.14.6.tar.gz 2. Unzip tar zxvf pdf2htmlEX-0.14.6.tar.gz 3. There will be problems with direct installation at this time. You need to compile and install libfontforge first Install all required dependent programs sudo yum install automake unzip libtool autoconf pango-devel pangoxft-devel sudo […]

HTML + CSS serialization | 43 – CSS Sprite

1. CSS Sprite CSS Sprite is a CSS image synthesis technology that combines various small images into one image, and then uses CSS background positioning to display the corresponding image part. Using CSS sprites can greatly reduce the number of HTTP requests on web pages, speed up response times, reduce back-end pressure, reduce the total […]