vue2 skill tree (4) – interpolation, dynamic parameters, instruction modifiers, calculated properties, listeners

Directory Detailed explanation of Vue 2 interpolation text interpolation Raw HTML expression filter Computed properties data binding Dynamic parameters, modifiers and abbreviations for Vue 2 directives dynamic parameters modifier `v-on` modifier `v-bind` modifier `v-model` modifier abbreviation Detailed explanation of Vue 2 computed properties and listeners Computed Properties Watchers Like, your approval is the motivation for […]

SpringBoot integrates Netty and listens to multiple ports

SpringBoot integrates Netty and monitors multiple ports Netty is a Java open source framework provided by JBOSS. Netty provides an asynchronous, event-driven network application framework to quickly develop high-performance, high-reliability network IO programs. It is currently the most popular NIO framework. Netty is used in the Internet field, big data distributed computing, and games. It […]

207. SpringBoot integrates RabbitMQ to implement message sending and receiving (listener)

Directory Send message Two ways to create a queue code demo Requirement 1: Send a message 1. ContentUtil first defines constants 2. One of two ways for RabbitMQConfig to create a queue: Configuration: question: 3. MessageService writes logic PublishController controller configuration properties Test: message sending Receive messages Code demo: Test: Message reception Customized listener […]

Linux tools and commands to view currently running ports and listening ports

In a Linux system, you can use a variety of tools and commands to view the currently running ports and listening ports. Here are some commonly used tools and commands: netstat command: Netstat (Network Statistics) is a command-line tool for viewing network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics. It is available for Windows, Linux and […]

$attrs and $listeners (vue2&&vue3)

Table of Contents Transparent transmission Attributes Attributes inheritance? Merging class and style v-on listener inheritance Deep component inheritance Disable Attributes inheritance Attributes inheritance for multi-root nodes vue2 $attrs and $listeners $attrs Concept Description $attrs case $listeners Concept Description $listeners case vue3 $attrs and $listeners Usage of attrs in template When there is only 1 root […]

The use of ApplicationListener in Spring

Background The ApplicationContext event mechanism is the implementation of the Observer design pattern. ApplicationContext event processing can be implemented through the ApplicationEvent class and ApplicationListener interface; If there is an ApplicationListener bean in the container, when the ApplicationContext calls the publishEvent method, the corresponding bean will be triggered. spring built-in events Built-in events Description ContextRefreshedEvent […]

Filter and Listener

1.filter Filter is a common concept in computer programming that is used to process, transform, or filter data or event streams. Filters are commonly used in a variety of contexts, including operating systems, image processing, data processing, network communications, and web development. In web development, filters usually refer to Servlet filters, which are used to […]

Android10 LocationListener’s onStatusChanged is abandoned

OnStatusChanged of LocationListener is deprecated in Android10, this callback is never called on Android Q and above, the provider can be considered to be always in LocationProvider#AVAILABLE state. LocationListener | Android Developers There are following solutions: ① Use LocationListenerCompat (the device must be equipped with GMS) ② Use Amap SDK, Baidu SDK or third party […]