Vue-01: MVVM data two-way binding and Vue life cycle

1. Introduction to Vue 1.1 What is Vue? Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. “Progressive” means that Vue is designed to gradually enhance the functionality and complexity of the application, rather than introducing all features at once. This allows developers to selectively use different features and functions of Vue according to […]

ReactiveUI MVVM Framework (1)-Collections

ReactiveUI MVVM Framework (1)-Collections ReactiveUI uses dynamic data (DynamicData) for collection operations. When changes are made to a dynamic data set, a change notification will be generated. The notification is represented as ChangeSet, which contains change information. Multiple change notifications are IObservable. Dynamic data provides two specific collections, namely SourceCache and SourceList. The first is […]

Kotlin+MVVM build todo App application

Author: Yike Project introduction Todo app implemented using Kotlin + MVVM, the functional interface refers to Microsoft’s Todo software (only core functions are implemented, and some functions are not implemented). Function module introduction Project module: add/delete projects, the project is responsible for managing todo tasks Task module: add/delete tasks, mark task completion, mark tasks as […]

First use of Vue, template syntax, data binding, el and data, MVVM, data proxy, event processing,

1. First time using Vue 1.vue introduction vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, which can be applied layer by layer from bottom to top. Features: Adopt componentized model to improve code reuse rate and make code easier to maintain Declarative coding eliminates the need to operate DOM and improves development efficiency […]

Box model, ellipsis, float, MVVM

1. Box model 1.1 The width and height of the weird box model include the width of the border and padding. Use the property: box-sizing = border-box to create a weird box model. In the box model in weird mode, the (content) width of the box + padding + border width = the width we […]

The understanding and difference between MVC, MVP and MVVM

MVC MVC, an early development architecture. In Android, res represents V, activity represents the Controller layer, the Model layer completes data requests and update operations, and the activity completes the binding of the view, writing business logic, and updating the view. This model is One-way, although the code is layered, the coupling between them is […]

Create a new MVVM Demo

The basic process of MVVM: Create four new folders: Model, View, ViewModel, and Command in the project. Model: a newly created class that stores data View: stores the view.xaml file ViewModel prepares data and some services corresponding to the interface, mainly including data and commands. The data here also needs to be notified by PropertyChanged. […]

Teach you step by step how to build an android project framework (8) A small test – the use of paging, mvvm and flow on pages with search lists

After several phases of basic packaging, our modular project has basically reached a usable state, so let’s try to develop a list page with search today~ Okay, I admit that I was lazy and missed the basic encapsulation of mvvm and paging, but it doesn’t matter, the codes are all in the portal. As for […]