AOF (Append Only File) for redis persistence

1: What is AOF Record each write operation in the form of a log (incremental save), record all write instructions executed by redis (read operations are not recorded), only allow files to be appended but not rewritten. When redis is started, it will Read the file to reconstruct the data, in other words, redis restarts […]

Sentinel authorization rules and rule persistence

Hello everyone, I am Su Lin. Today I will talk about Sentinel rule persistence. Authorization rules Authorization rules can determine and control the source of the requester. Authorization rules Basic rules Authorization rules can control the source of the caller, and there are two methods: whitelist and blacklist. Whitelist: Callers whose origin is in the […]

Redis RDB persistence

Foreword We know that the reason why Redis is fast is largely because its data is placed directly in the memory, and the memory is a volatile memory. Data is stored only when the power is turned on, and the data will be lost when the power is turned off. At this time, it depends […]

How to achieve front-end data persistence (LocalStorage, IndexedDB, etc.)?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction Front-end Getting Started Tour: Exploring the Wonderful World of Web Development Welcome to the Front-End Getting Started Tour! If you are interested, you can subscribe to this column! This column is tailor-made for those who are interested in web development and […]

spring-statemachine state machine custom persistence storage

When using spring-statemachine state machine persistence, you can persist it through the existing methods of memory, spring-statemachine-redis or spring-statemachine-data-jpa. Due to frequent project audit operation records and large amount of data, it is not advisable to use memory or spring-statemachine-redis mode. The project uses MyBatis, and it is not appropriate to use spring-statemachine-data-jpa. Custom implementation […]

SpringCould microservice protection and authorization rules 03 – Isolation and degradation (FeignClient integrates Sentinel, thread isolation, circuit breaker degradation, custom exception results, rule persistence, and push mode implementation)

Directory 3. Isolation and downgrade 3.1.FeignClient integrates Sentinel 3.1.1. Modify the configuration and enable the sentinel function 3.1.2. Write failure downgrade logic 3.1.3. Summary 3.2. Thread isolation (bulkhead mode) 3.2.1. How to implement thread isolation 3.2.2. Sentinel thread isolation 1) Configure isolation rules 2) Jmeter test 3.2.3. Summary 3.3. Circuit breaker downgrade 3.3.1. Slow call […]

RedisIn-depth analysis of Redis persistence

It is not easy to be original, so pay attention to copyright. Please indicate the original author and original link when reprinting Article directory Introduction to Redis persistence RDB principle Fork function and copy-on-write Thoughts on copy-on-write RDB related configuration AOF principle AOF persistence configuration AOF file interpretation AOF file repair AOF rewrite AOF buffer […]

[RabbitMQ Practical Combat] 10 Message persistence and storage principles

1. Persistence 1.1 Persistent Object RabbitMQ’s persistence is divided into three parts: Exchange persistence. Queue persistence. Message persistence. 1.1.1 Exchange persistence The persistence of the exchanger is achieved by specifying the Durability parameter as durable when declaring the exchanger. If the exchange does not set persistence, after the rabbitmq service is restarted, the relevant exchange […]