Still using Zipkin distributed service link tracking? Give this a try!

Since the advent of Spring Cloud, microservices have taken the world by storm, and enterprise architectures are transforming from traditional SOA to microservices. However, while the double-edged sword of microservices brings various advantages, it also brings great difficulties to operation and maintenance, performance monitoring, and error troubleshooting. In large projects, the service architecture will include […]

[Resolved] PKIX path building failed

After searching many articles, I finally found a solution! Error report details Solution The first method (applicable to my own solution): httpclient-4.5.jar regularly sends http packets, but suddenly an error is reported one day, which is caused by the change of http certificate. previous code try { CloseableHttpClient httpClient = buildDefaultHttpClient(); String url = domain.getUrl(); […]

TLS/SSL (6) Asymmetric cryptography application PKI certificate system

1 PKI certificate system Concepts: ‘PKI’, ‘CA’, ‘Digital Certificate’, ‘Certificate Chain’, ‘Digital Signature’ The public key explained before is different from the certificate obtained by the https site. The public key is only a part of the information of the digital certificate. Note: The following content is only as a “personal” note Huawei Cloud Certificate […]

SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed

1. Background After a project updated the Nginx SSL certificate in May 2023, it was normal to access the system directly in the browser, but another project of its own and other third-party systems returned an error message when calling through the interface address: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid […]

Still using Zipkin distributed service link tracking? Give this a try!

Since the advent of Spring Cloud, microservices have taken the world by storm, and enterprise architectures are transforming from traditional SOA to microservices. However, while the double-edged sword of microservices brings various advantages, it also brings great difficulties to operation and maintenance, performance monitoring, and error troubleshooting. In large projects, the service architecture will include […]

PKIX path building failed, SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to re…

Background: There is a project that needs to call the API of gitlab, and the development phase is carried out on Windows. After development is completed and deployed to Linux, the following error is reported when requesting the gitlab interface: 2023.03.22 10:30:39.522 ERROR [http-nio-8089-exec-2] org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog 181 log – Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with […]

Request https error certificate verification failed ( PKIX

Project scenario: Request https error certificate verification failed ( PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target) Problem description When requesting a third-party HTTPS URL in the project, an error occurs that the SSL certificate verification failed. 14:33:55.195 [main] ERROR – context PKIX path building […]

Uncovering the Secrets of pkill: A Complete Guide to Killing Processes in Linux

Uncovering the Secrets of pkill: A Complete Guide to Killing Processes in Linux I. Introduction 2. Basic knowledge of process management 2.1. What is a process? 2.2. The principle and purpose of process management 2.3, process status and identifier 3. Understand the Linux pkill command 3.1. Overview and function of pkill command 3.2. Comparison with […]

The solution to No package dsniff available when yum installs tcpkill

Prompt when installing tcpkill today [jiankunking@cmp24 ~]# yum -y install dsniff Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates are listed more than once in the configuration Repository extras are listed more than once in the configuration Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration […]