nginx uwsgi configuration django

uwsgi-file [uwsgi] # Service port number, no IP value is set here, the default is the IP address of the loading server #http = :5000 socket=:8000 # flask project address chdir = /pyprogram/electric # wsgi file /home/flask_project/ #module = app:app wsgi-file=/pyprogram/electric/electric/ # number of processes processes = 3 # main process master = true # […]

Python project deployment process in CentOS-8.5 environment (Python, Nginx, MySQL, uwsgi)

Table of Contents 1. Install Python3.6.7 in CentOS-8.5 environment 1. Download the Python installation package 2. Unzip 3. Compile the installation package 3. Recompile and install 4. Add environment variables 5. Check whether it is successful, execute the following code 6. Replace the domestic pip source 7. Uninstall Python (if necessary) 8. Create a virtual […]

Nginx+Uwsgi+Django+Mysql deployment project

Chapter 1, Preparations Section 1, Create a project directory Prepare the project code and upload the code to myproject mkdir myproject Section 2, install python3 cd /usr/local/ mkdir Python wget tar -zxvf Python-3.8.0.tgz mkdir /usr/local/Python/py3_project cd Python-3.8.0 ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/python3 –enable-shared make & amp; & amp; make install ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python vim ~/.bash_profile PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/python3/bin […]

Python web framework development – WSGI protocol

Directory Browser requests dynamic page process Multi-process web server code – process oriented Package Object Analysis Added the ability to identify dynamic resource requests Why do we need the WSGI protocol Introduction to WSGI protocol Define the WSGI interface Write framwork to support WSGI protocol, and realize browser display hello world The complete code for […]

Graphical SGI_STL space configurator principle

Introduction STL (Standard Template Library, standard template library), there are more than one implementation version, such as HP version, P.J version, RW version. This article mainly analyzes the SGI version of SGL. The details and introduction of the implementation version are not described here, and you can search for it separately. The relationship between the […]

web project deployment -flask+uwsgi+django

Start nginx on docker, and configure and modify the configuration file of nginx_docker run -d __ /data/:date/nginx_Dhjie_king’s Blog-CSDN Blog Modify the nginx.conf file to create a new image docker actual deployment Flask + Docker Containerized Deployment of Python Applications Docker containerized deployment of Python applications – Programmer Sought Flask + Docker Brainless Deployment Novice […]

Python Flask web project uwsgi + nginx deployment

1. Install python slightly 2. Virtual environment 2.1 Install verticalenv pip3 install virtualenv 2.2 Create a virtual environment Create a directory to hold the environment: mkdir venvs Create a virtual environment: [<a href=”/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection” class=”__cf_email__” data-cfemail=”493b26263d093b26263d”>[email protected]</a> /]# virtualenv /home/xxx/venvs/flask2 –python=python3 Check out the virtual environment: [<a href=”/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection” class=”__cf_email__” data-cfemail=”cdbfa2a2b98dbfa2a2b9″>[email protected]</a> venvs]# ls flask2 2.3 Activate the virtual […]

Django startup command source code – entry (wsgi)

WSGI start Based on the django startup command python runserver, a handler is created when calling the **inner_run()** method in Command # C:\pyenvs\mysite\Lib\site-packages\django\core\management\commands\ class Command(BaseCommand): … def inner_run(self, *args, **options): … try: # self.get_handler returns a WSGI handler handler = self. get_handler(*args, **options) # next step run(self. addr, int(self. port), handler, ipv6=self.use_ipv6, threading=threading, server_cls=self.server_cls) […]