cross compile toolchain on ubuntu 2204

#!/bin/bash ##———————————————— ————- ## Configuration variables ##———————————————— ————- root_dir=”/home/prometheus/module-test/cross-compile” target=”powerpc-eabi” clean_install=true build_binutils=true build_gcc_static=true build_newlib=true build_gcc=true # gcc dependency isl_tar_link=”″ mpfr_tar_link=”″ mpc_tar_link=”” gmp_tar_link=”″ # use gcc492, confirmed ok binutils_tar_link=”” #binutils_tar_link=”” #gcc_tar_link=”” gcc_tar_link=”” newlib_tar_link=”” ##———————————————— ————- ## Function definitions ##———————————————— ————- function announce {<!– –> now=$(date + “%T”) echo echo “[$now] $1” echo } pushd () {<!– […]

Ubuntu installs riscv-gnu-toolchain compilation chain and spike, pk usage guide

riscv-gnu-toolchain compilation chain and spike, pk installation and usage guide 1. Environment: Ubuntu18.04 2. Install dependency packages (needed for various compilations): $ sudo apt install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev 3. Differentiate between downloading riscv-gnu-toolchain and riscv-tools As for why we […]

ToolChainsUsage of CLion (VS2019) + CMake + Vcpkg

Reference blog: Important Vcpkg Overview Vcpkg is a cross-platform C++ package management tool developed by the Microsoft community. It is designed to solve the pain points of dependency management in the C++ development process. It supports multiple operating systems, including: Windows, Linux and macOS, allowing developers to more conveniently install, […]

Source code compilation of risc-v virtual machine and compiler riscv-gnu-toolchain and riscv-tools in ubuntu 22.04

1. Compile riscv-gnu-toolchain 1.1 Preparation environment $ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev 1.2 Download source code git clone –recursive 1.3 Compile elf tool cd riscv-gnu-toolchain/ for riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc: ./configure –prefix=/opt/riscv sudo make -j 1.4 Compilation linux tools […]

BizDevOps toolchain powered by LLM: Expand end-to-end touchpoints, built-in processes and norms

In the first two articles of this series, “LLM-Enabled R&D Effectiveness” and “LLM-Enabled Software Architecture”, we introduced a series of experiments that we combined with BizDevOps and software architecture in LLM. Around these two categories of exploration, we have built two open source LLM tools: AI-assisted programming tool AutoDev (IDEA plug-in), and architecture management tool […]

ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of stdlib.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment

ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of stdlib.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment Article directory ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of stdlib.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment Petalinux toolchain compiles xilinx_axidma error: Analysis reason 1 (/opt/petalinux/2020.2/environment-setup-cortexa9t2hf-neon-xilinx-linux-gnueabi) environment configuration […]

ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of linux amba xilinx_dma.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment

ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of fatal error linux amba xilinx_dma.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment Article directory ZYNQ’s investigation on the problem of fatal error linux amba xilinx_dma.h No such file or directory when compiling xilinx_axidma with Petalinux toolchain in Linux environment Petalinux toolchain compiles […]

Com of “AUTOSAR Genealogy Decomposition (ETAS Toolchain)”

Com of “AUTOSAR Genealogy Decomposition (ETAS Toolchain)” Article directory Com of “AUTOSAR Genealogy Decomposition (ETAS Toolchain)” com ComConfig ComGeneral EXP: standard interface function Com ComConfig ComDataMemSize EXP: Size of internal Com data in bytes (static memory allocation) – memory required by the post-build configuration must be less than this constant. This parameter is only required […]

Cross-compilation instructions: toolchain installation and environment variable configuration

Directory A simple understanding of cross-compilation ① What is cross compilation ② Why do you need cross-compilation ③ host machine and target machine 2. Build a cross-compilation working environment ① Install the tool chain ② Configure environment variables ● Configure temporary environment variables ● Configure permanent environment variables Three cross-compilation host and target ● The […]