docker deploys tig monitoring service

Foreword The service corresponding to tig is influxdb grafana telegraf This architecture is simpler than the traditional promethus architecture. Although the influxdb open source solution does not have cluster deployment, it is simple and efficient for small and medium-sized service monitoring needs. This article uses docker-compose to demonstrate the rapid construction and effect of this […]

Image recognition-face recognition and fatigue detection-python opencv computer competition

Article directory 0 Preface 1. Background of the topic 2 Dlib face recognition 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Advantages of Dlib 2.3 Related code 2.4 Face database 2.5 Face entry and recognition effect 3 Fatigue detection algorithm 3.1 Eye detection algorithm 3.3 Nod detection algorithm 4PyQt5 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Related interface code 5 finally 0 Preface A […]

Android cold start optimization, one operation is as fierce as a tiger

1. Routine operations public class MainActivity extends Activity {<!– –> private static final Handler sHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {<!– –> super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); sHandler.postDelay(new Runnable() {<!– –> @Override public void run() {<!– –> // Time-consuming initialization required for page startup doSomething(); } }, 200); } } When most developers encounter the […]

Godot C# .gitignore configuration

Godot uses C# to make script .gitIgnore configuration # Godot 4 + specific ignores .godot/ .vs/GODOT-TEST/DesignTimeBuild/.dtbcache.v2 .vs/GODOT-TEST/FileContentIndex/23917914-ec3f-48d9-88ba-17134cd964f6.vsidx .vs/GODOT-TEST/v17/.futdcache.v2 .vs/GODOT-TEST/v17/.suo .vs/ProjectEvaluation/godot-test.metadata.v7.bin .vs/ProjectEvaluation/godot-test.projects.v7.bin ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. ## ## Get latest from # User-specific files *.rsuser *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # User-specific files […]

[Cloud Computing Network Security] DDoS Mitigation Analysis: DDoS attack mitigation strategies, choosing the best provider and key considerations

Article directory I. Introduction 2. What is DDoS mitigation? 3. DDoS Mitigation Stage 4. How to choose a DDoS mitigation provider 4.1 Network capacity 4.2 Processing capabilities 4.3 Scalability 4.4 Flexibility 4.5 Reliability 4.6 Other considerations 4.6.1 Pricing 4.6.2 Direction of focus At the end of the article, a book titled “Secure Circulation of Data […]