Displaying XML documents using CSS

Introduction to CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheet, Cascading Style Sheet or Cascading Style Sheet) is a style control language. Its basic idea is to define a corresponding set of display styles for each tag in the structural document. CSS can not only statically modify web pages, but can also cooperate with various scripting languages to […]

CSS styling details for XML and HTML

Selector ID selector Specific styles can be assigned to HTML elements marked with specific ids. It is a type of selector in CSS and is unique. One id can only identify one attribute. Selectors are identified with “#”. (Note: id cannot start with a number) The following style sheet is id=”pare” #para1 { text-align:center; color:red; […]

CSS syntax and xml association 1

title: Hello World CSS syntax and xml association 1 Article directory CSS syntax and xml association 1 CSS selector element selector ID selector class selector attribute selector CSS properties display properties Setting the font attribute Border property settings Layout property settings Background attribute settings Text attribute settings CSS float Float margin clear float CSS application […]

C# method to parse XML and deserialize it into Model

Although json is now very popular, the xml format still occupies a vast programming world. Regardless of industrial fields such as photovoltaics, lithium batteries, lasers, satellites, automobiles, etc., xml is basically the mainstay. Many .NET developers are tortured by xml. I have switched to Java, and this short article is about a process of quickly […]

XML is associated with CSS, CSS attributes, floating positioning, and attribute selectors.

XML associated CSS 1) Call independent style files An independent css style file is a text file with the extension “.css”. XML must use preprocessing directives in order to use cascading style sheets. 2) Embed style statements into XML files Another way is to use the “style” attribute within the tag to define the style. […]

03-Sping transaction implementation: XML-based implementation of declarative transactions

XML implementation of declarative transactions Development steps Step 1: Introduce AOP-related aspectj dependencies <!–aspectj dependency–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-aspects</artifactId> <version>6.0.0-M2</version> </dependency> Step 2: Write the dao layer interface and its implementation class public interface AccountDao {<!– –> // Check the balance based on the account number Account selectByActno(String actno); //Update account information int update(Account act); } […]

spring_xml way to manage beans

Detailed explanation of SpringBean configuration Common configuration of beans <bean id=”” class=””> Bean id and fully qualified name configuration id: The unique representation of the bean and cannot be repeated. If the id is not configured, the content in the class will be set to id by default. <bean name=””> Set the alias of the […]

LINQtoObjects, LINQtoDataSet and LINQtoXML in C#

Table of Contents 1. Use LINQ to operate arrays and collections 2. Use LINQ to operate DataSet data set 1.AsEnumerable() method 2.CopyToDataTable() method 3.AsDataView() method 4.Take() method 5.Sum() method 6.Example (1) Source code (2) Generate effect 3. Use LINQ to operate XML 1.Load() method of XElement class 2.SetAttributeValue() method of XElement class 3.Add() method of […]