react implements the printer effect of chatGPT, is compatible with rich text, and comes with a git address

1. Method 1: Use the plug-in typed.js typed.js website address, click me to open it 1.1. The core code is as follows: //TypeWriteEffect/index.tsx component import React, {<!– –> useEffect, useRef } from ‘react’; import Typed from ‘typed.js’; import {<!– –> PropsType } from ‘./index.d’; const TypeWriteEffect: React.FC<PropsType> = ({<!– –> text = ”, callback, seed […]

Langchain-Chatchat project: 5.1-ChatGLM3-6B tool call

Evaluations on data sets from different perspectives such as semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, and knowledge show that ChatGLM3-6B-Base has the strongest performance among basic models below 10B. ChatGLM3-6B adopts a newly designed Prompt format, in addition to normal multi-round conversations. At the same time, it natively supports complex scenarios such as tool calling (Function Call), […]

Task 1 Deploy the ChatGLM3-6B large model and conduct dialogue testing

Deploy the ChatGLM3-6B large model and conduct conversation testing 0 Introduction: 1 Tendong cloud project creation and environment configuration 1.1 Create project: 1.2 Configuration environment 1.2.1 Enter the terminal 1.2.2 Set mirror source 1.2.3 Clone the project and install dependencies 2 Modify the code, change the path and start the code 3 Run the code […]

AI project practice, create your own chatGPT

Article directory Preface AI projects are deployed on the Trend Cloud Platform. Codes are written and run directly on the cloud, and GPU resources are used for acceleration. Interested students can go to [Register]( to get 168 yuan of computing power for free. Project effect: ![Insert picture description here]( The returned results are quite satisfactory […]

Langchain-Chachat project: 4.1-P-Tuning v2 implementation process

What are the common parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning, PEFT)? Mainly Prompt series and LoRA series. This article mainly introduces the P-Tuning v2 fine-tuning method. As follows: Prompt series, for example, Prefix Tuning(2021.01-Stanford), Prompt Tuning(2021.09-Google), P-Tuning(2021.03-Tsinghua), P-Tuning v2(2022.03-Tsinghua); LoRA series, for example, LoRA(2021.11-Microsoft), AdaLoRA(2023.03-Microsoft), QLoRA(2023.05-Washington). There are also things that I don’t know how to […]

GPT practical series-ChatGLM3 local deployment CUDA11+1080Ti+ graphics card 24G practical solution

Table of Contents 1. ChatGLM3 model 2. Resource requirements 3. Deployment and installation Configuration Environment Installation process Low-cost configuration and deployment solution 4. Start ChatGLM3 5. Functional testing Freshly released, the domestic GPT version has been iteratively updated~ The Tsinghua team has just released ChatGLM3, and just before the Yunqi Conference, Baichuan also released Baichuan2-192K, […]

vue-advanced-chat usage guide ( implements chat)

demo address: – Git address of vue-advanced-chat: 1. Build demo After cloning the demo address, install the dependencies in the demo directory and start it. The page after startup is as follows: 2. Front-end code analysis 2.1 Analysis of key APIs current-user-id: current user id room-id: Can a specific room be loaded at any […]