final finally finalize difference stream stream Stream method mvc aop ioc understanding the difference between Collection and Collections Nacos AP, CP

Method to create thread 1. The class inherits Thread and overrides the run() method 2. The class implements the Runnable interface and overrides the run() method (no return value, no exception will be thrown) 3. Implement the Callable interface and implement the call() method (with a return value and an exception will be thrown) To […]

2023/11/7–C#–The difference between generics and Object types, generic constraints, ArrayList variable array, Dictionary dictionary class in C#….

1. Use of generics Generics is a programming concept that allows you to write code that can handle non-specific data types, thereby improving code reusability and type safety. Generics allow you to write common algorithms, data structures, and methods to adapt to a variety of different data types without having to write specific code for […]

MSQL Series (14) Mysql Practice – The difference between SQL statement left join inner join On and Where statement

Mysql practice-the difference between SQL statement On and Where statement Earlier we explained the selection principle of the underlying driver table of Join, and also learned about the two basic SQL query table connection methods: inner join and outer join. But what is the difference between on and where statements when we query multiple tables? […]

JS1857- Do you know the difference between XHR and Fetch?

Nowadays, website development generally adopts a front-end and back-end separation model, and data interaction has become an indispensable key link. In this process, XHR and Fetch API are the two most common methods used to get data from the web server. XHR is a traditional way of requesting data, while Fetch API represents an emerging […]

Prefix sum, difference, two-dimensional prefix sum, two-dimensional difference

Prefix sum Function: interval query Definition: prefix and array predix[n], original array a[n], the relationship between them is Interval query: Find the sum of elements between a[left] to a[right]: p[right] – p[left-1] template: #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define int long long const int N = 1e5 + 5; int a[N]; int prefix[N]; signed main() { […]

pytorch-loss function-difference between classification and regression

The difference between torch.nn library and torch.nn.functional library torch.nn Library: This library provides many predefined layers, such as fully connected layers (Linear), convolutional layers (Conv2d), etc., as well as some loss functions (such as MSELoss, CrossEntropyLoss, etc.). These layers are all classes, and they all inherit from nn.Module, so they can be easily integrated into […]