Concepts and operations of dataframe and saprkSQL

sparkSQL background sparkContext: SparkContext is the entry point for a Spark application and represents the connection to the Spark cluster. It is the main entry point in Spark 1.x, and SparkSession was introduced in Spark 2.x to replace SparkContext. SparkContext is responsible for managing task scheduling, data partitioning and communication with the cluster. You can […]

Pure handwritten version of handwritten digit recognition – no frame

Pure handwriting version of handwritten digit recognition–no frame Background knowledge introduction Complete code MiNIST handwriting dataset There is a problem with the code references Background knowledge introduction The code mainly includes four parts, namely preprocessing, training, prediction and visualization, which will be introduced separately next. preprocessing Before training, you need to read the contents of […]

[C++/Drogon Framework] 2. Controller, filter and view

[C++/Drogon Framework] 2. Controller, filter and view Article directory [C++/Drogon Framework] 2. Controller, filter and view 1. Controller 1.HttpSimpleController 2.HttpController 3. WebSocketController 2. Filter 1. Built-in filter 2. Custom filters 3. View 1.CSP 2. Use of views 1. Controller The controller is an important part of Web development. It can receive requests from the browser […]

Collection framework and the data structure behind it

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. The meaning of learning 2.1 Advantages and functions of Java collection framework 3. Interface 3.1 Basic relationship description 3.2 Collection interface description 3.3 Collection common methods 3.4 Collection example 3.5 Map interface description 3.6 Map example 4. Implementation 5.Framework 5.1. Use of collection framework 1. Introduction Java collection framework […]

Java thread pool – Executor framework

Article directory 1. Executor interface 2. ExecutorService interface 3. ThreadPoolExecutor class 1. Status 2. Worker 3. Extension 4. ForkJoinPool class 1. Work stealing algorithm 2. Fork/Join design 3. Execution principle 5. ScheduledThreadPool class 1.ScheduledExecutorService 2. Compare Timer 6. Executors class The Executor framework was introduced after Java 5. After Java 5, starting threads through Executor […]

How to build an automated testing framework? Easy to implement in 4 steps in one article!

Foreword Recently, many friends are talking about interface automation testing, so what exactly is interface automation testing? Let’s take a look below to find out. First we have to figure out the following issue. Why do you need (automated) interface testing? 1. As the complexity of each system continues to rise, the cost of traditional […]

Installation and use of automated testing framework Playwright

Recently, Microsoft open sourced a very powerful automation project called playwright-python It supports mainstream browsers, including: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc. It also supports running in headless mode and headless mode, and provides synchronous and asynchronous APIs, which can be used in conjunction with the Pytest testing framework, and supports browsing Automatic script recording […]

odoo16 front-end framework source code reading – startup, menu, action

odoo16 front-end framework source code reading – startup, menu, action Directory: addons/web/static/src 1.main.js Odoo is actually a single-page application. Judging from the name, this is the entry file for the front end, and the file content is also very simple. /** @odoo-module **/ import {<!– –> startWebClient } from “./start”; import {<!– –> WebClient } […]

Parameter verification—The gin framework uses the built-in validator

1. Description of special symbols before marking Comma (,): separate multiple verification tags. Note that there cannot be spaces between commas Horizontal dash (-): This field is not verified and skipped Vertical bar (|): Use multiple verification tags, but only one of them needs to be satisfied. required: indicates that the field must be set […]