WindowsAPI – Use keyboard and mouse monitoring hooks in Windows API

This section will introduce how to use the SetWindowsHookEx and RegisterHotKey functions in Windows API to implement keyboard and mouse monitoring. These functions can be used to set global hooks and achieve monitoring effects by hooking specific hotkeys. The difference between the two is that the SetWindowsHookEx function can monitor all threads, including threads in […]

QT custom space soft keyboard

QT custom space soft keyboard 1. Function list 2. Effect 2.1 Chinese keyboard & Chinese character input 2.2 English input method 2.3 Numeric keyboard 2.4 Data keyboard effect 3. Part of the code 3.1 Chinese character input 3.2 Switch numeric keyboard 3.3 Keyboard display & hide 3.4 Control improvement 3.5 Style settings 3.6 Using QLineEditAllKeyBoard […]

ROS keyboard remote control robot, specify speed through parameter server

1. Introduction In the driving robot in the previous section, we know that the cmd_vel topic publishes a string of Twist type messages for control. We can enter the following command to view the detailed information of this Twist: rosmsg show geometry_msgs /Twist geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear float64 x float64y float64 z geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular float64 x float64y […]

Kakutani conjecture: input an integer on the keyboard and output the verification process of Kakutani conjecture

Enter an integer on the keyboard and output the Kakutani conjecture verification process. (This note is suitable for coders reading Python loops, if conditional statements, and string formatted output) [The details of learning are a joyful process] Python official website: python cutting edge. Unfortunately it’s the original English version. So, I want to practice English […]

[Transfer] [C#] Global keyboard monitoring

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Reflection; namespace Mengqi Animation House { /// <summary> ///Keyboard hook/// </summary> classKeyboardHook { public event KeyEventHandler KeyDownEvent; public event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPressEvent; public event KeyEventHandler KeyUpEvent; public delegate int HookProc(int nCode, Int32 wParam, IntPtr lParam); static int hKeyboardHook = 0; //Declare the initial value of […]

12.1 Using keyboard and mouse monitoring hooks

This section will introduce how to use the SetWindowsHookEx and RegisterHotKey functions in Windows API to implement keyboard and mouse monitoring. These functions can be used to set global hooks and achieve monitoring effects by hooking specific hotkeys. The difference between the two is that the SetWindowsHookEx function can monitor all threads, including threads in […]

Developing game automation scripts in Python (3) Background keyboard and mouse operations

In this article, we will explore how to implement background keyboard and mouse operations. Keyboard and mouse operation is to simulate manual operation. Once the background keyboard and mouse operation is realized, we can let the game window run in the background according to our script and handle other work at the same time. We […]

[Network Security — XSS Vulnerability Exploitation Practice] Do you know how to use XSS vulnerabilities for cookie acquisition, phishing and keyboard monitoring? —XSS practical chapter

1, XSS actual combat Take the pikachu shooting range as an example. The tutorial for setting up the pikachu shooting range is as follows (tools and resources are provided): [Network Security — pikachu shooting range installation] Super detailed pikachu shooting range installation tutorial (providing shooting range code and tools)_Network Security_Aini’s Blog – CSDN Blog [Network […]