JS+AbpVnext implements SignalR communication

SignalR communication: Use JavaScript as the client and Abp Vnext as the server Successful cases (steps): 1. Reference the “Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.SignalR” Nuget package 2. Create a Hub class named BiddingSignalRHub.cs, inherited from AbpHub public class BiddingSignalRHub : AbpHub {<!– –> /// <summary> /// Add to group /// </summary> /// <param name=”groupName”></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task […]

The next generation of Docker is here! Builds are 39x faster

This is a community that may be useful to you One-to-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency Interview Questions”: Studying with your resume, spring blossoms […]

A time selector that can select the next day across days

1. This component can be used in scenarios when dates are not selectable and time needs to be selected across days. The interaction effect is similar to elementUI’s TimePicker time picker 2. Legend 3. Parent component code // Used in html <TimePicker :id=”’32′” :time=”times” @selectTime=”(time) => times = time” /> //Introduce and register components import […]

AutoGen: Applications enabling the next generation of large language models

“Features like AutoGen promise to fundamentally change and expand the capabilities of large language models. This is one of the most exciting developments I’ve seen in artificial intelligence recently.” –Doug Burger, Technical Fellow, Microsoft Source of article content: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/autogen-enabling-next-generation-large-language-model-applications/ Figure 1. AutoGen uses multi-agent conversations to enable complex LLM-based workflows. (Left) AutoGen agents are customizable […]

Deno the next generation JavaScript runtime

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. Characteristics of Deno 3. The difference between Deno and Node 4. TypeScript works out of the box 5. Built-in basic development tools Standalone executable file test runner code formatter code linter 6. Built for the cloud 7. Consistent code from browser to backend TC39 WinterCG 8. High-performance networking 9. […]

[Monotonic stack] The next larger element I

Article directory Tag Question source Question interpretation Problem-solving ideas Method 1: Violent enumeration Method 2: Monotone stack + hash table Knowledge review monotonic stack write at the end Tag [Monotonic stack + hash table] [Array] Question source 496. Next Greater Element I Explanation of the question Find the position of the number x in nums1 […]

Target detection algorithm improvement series: Backbone replaced by NextViT

NextViT introduction Due to complex attention mechanisms and model designs, most existing visual transformers (ViTs) cannot perform as efficiently as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), such as TensorRT and CoreML, in real-world industrial deployment scenarios. This poses an obvious challenge: can visual neural networks be designed to infer as fast as CNNs and perform as powerfully […]

Target detection algorithm improvement series: Backbone replaced by InceptionNeXt

InceptionNeXt Inspired by the long-distance dependency modeling capabilities of Vision Transformer, some visual models have recently begun to use Depth-Wise convolution of large kernels, such as an excellent work ConvNeXt. Although this Depth-Wise operator only consumes a small number of FLOPs, it will harm the efficiency of the model on high-performance computing devices due to […]