Serial port communication (8) Serial port interrupt “receiving and parsing data at the same time” communication program

This article is the original csdn first release of the blogger. I hope it will be helpful to you after reading it. Please correct me if I have any shortcomings! Let’s communicate and learn together and make progress together! > Posted by: @日月同光, symbiotic with me_SCM-CSDN Blog >You are welcome to like the original blogger […]

[Algorithm Challenge] String decoding (including parsing, source code)

394. String decoding 394. String decoding Question description Method 1: Recursive Ideas Complexity analysis code Method 2: Loop + Stack Illustration Complexity analysis code Title description Given an encoded string, return its decoded string. The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], which means that the encoded_string inside the square brackets is repeated exactly k times. Note […]

WebServer parsing timer Timer class (1)

Premise:This WebServer version is not the one on, this version is, using the Reactor model At the same time, this is my personal understanding and personal analysis when I was studying, so my analysis may be wrong, and I welcome corrections and exchanges. The main function of the Timer class 1.TimerNode uses the […]

[Algorithm Challenge] The shortest distance between characters (including parsing and source code)

821.The shortest distance between characters 821.The shortest distance between characters Question description Solution 1: Center expansion method Ideas Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++) Solution 2: Exchange space for time Ideas Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++) Solution 3: Greedy Ideas Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++/Python) Solution 4: Window Ideas Complexity analysis Code (JS/C++/Python) Title description Given a string […]

[Algorithm Challenge] Design a stack that supports incremental operations (including parsing and source code)

1381. Design a stack that supports incremental operations 1381. Design a stack that supports incremental operations Question description Method 1: Use an array or linked list to simulate a stack array Complexity analysis linked list Complexity analysis code Method 2: Exchange space for time Illustration Complexity analysis code Title description Please design a stack […]

Web page parsing — xpath

1. Overview xpath plays a pivotal position in Python crawler learning. Comparing regular expressions, re can complete the same work and implement similar functions, but xpath has obvious advantages over re, which makes re take a back seat in web page analysis. The full name of xpath is **XML Path Language**, a small **query language** […]

[Java] Binary tree parsing

Article directory Binary tree concept Explanation of binary tree traversal Binary tree-find the specified node Binary tree-delete nodes and subtrees The concept of binary tree There are many types of trees. Each nodecan only have at most two child nodesa form called a binary tree. The child nodes of a binary tree are divided into […]

Go language Json parsing, regular expressions, code examples for exporting CSV files from the database

Json parsing package main import ( “encoding/json” “fmt” “os” ) type MongoConfig struct {<!– –> MongoAddr string MongoPoolLimit int MongoDB string MongoCollection string } type Config struct {<!– –> Port string Mongo MongoConfig } func main() {<!– –> JsonParse := NewJsonStruct() v := Config{<!– –>} if err := JsonParse.Load(“json_parse.json”, & amp;v); err != nil {<!– […]

QR code generation and parsing toolkit-zxing

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. Give an example 2.1 Add dependencies 2.2 Tools 2.3 Testing 3. Summary Today, when I was looking at an open source project, I found a tool class, a simple tool class for generating QR codes. It was very convenient to test it. Although it has not been used in […]