When the torch.cat function is spliced in two-dimensional and three-dimensional data, the dim dimension is understood

Article directory First, let’s take a look at the parameters and parameter values of the `torch.cat` function 2. Example of torch.cat in two-dimensional data 1. The value of dim in two-dimensional data is (0,1) 2. What problems were found Summarize: 3. Extend from two-dimensional data to three-dimensional data 1. The value of `dim` for 3D […]

[Solution] How does springboot accept encoded parameters (parameters are spliced by &=)

How does springboot accept encoded parameters (splicing & amp;= How does springboot accept encoded parameters (splicing & amp;=) Cause of the problem The value after sending encoded is in postman How to accept it at this time (the encoded value is accepted) The code of the controller layer The tool class CRequest used How does […]

C language file descriptor operation under Linux (dup / dup2 / sendfile / splice / tee)

The philosophy of Linux is that everything is a file, and files are manipulated through file descriptors. This article sorts out the operation of the dup / dup2 / sendfile / splice / tee function on the file descriptor. Directory 1. dup 2.dup2 3. sendfile 4.splice 5. tee 1.dup #include int dup(int fd); Duplicate an […]

The mybatis select statement is inexplicably spliced with order by create_time desc limit?

1. Background During the running of the project, a normal selec list query statement reports an error, and only reports an error occasionally, and will not report an error all the time. According to the log, a paragraph of order by create_time desc limit is inexplicably added at the end of the sql statement? , […]

[Solved] The solution to the problem of Filter concat:out:a0 has an unconnected output when FFmpeg splices audio

Questions When we want to execute FFmpeg to splice audio, we can execute the command: ffmpeg -i input1.mp3 -i input2.mp3 -filter_complex ‘[0:0][1:0]concat=n=2:v=0:a=1[a]’ -map a output.mp3 But when executing the above command, I found the following error: Filter concat:out:a0 has an unconnected output Solution At this time, you only need to remove [a] from the original […]

[Solved] The splice problem under Vue’s foreach (two solutions)

Without further ado, the code above: let list01=[200,201,202,300] list01.forEach((item)=>{<!– –> console.log(“current item” + item); if(parseInt(item/100)==2) {<!– –> list01.splice(list01.indexOf(item),1)//index is dynamic, deletion fails } }); console.log(“Current list01: ” + list01); —- result: current item200 current item202 Current list01: 201,300 It can be seen that I originally wanted to delete the beginning of 200, but there is […]