Concat function creation in PostgreSQL database

Create concat function of array type CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concat(VARIADIC str text[]) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE result text := ”; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..array_length(str, 1) LOOP result := result::text || str[i]::text; END LOOP; RETURN result; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION concat(VARIADIC str bigint[]) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE result […]

How to use SQL series – How to use the CAST function and concatenated expressions to manipulate data in SQL

Introduction When you first create a table in a SQL database, you must define the overall structure of the table, list each column you want the table to hold, and what kind of data these tables will store. Then, when you add a data table, the values you insert must be combined with the data […]

Python merge related functions (concat, merge, append, join)

In the process of python table operations, the problem of splicing and merging tables is often involved. The pandas module provides us with very powerful merging functions. Commonly used methods include concat, append, merge, and join. The four functions are as follows: 1.concat df=pandas.concat(objs, *, axis=0, join=’outer’, join_axes=None, ignore_index=False, keys=None, levels=None, names=None, verify_integrity=False, sort=False , […]

String concatenation in java

String is the most commonly used data type in Java. This article is also a supplement to the knowledge related to strings in Java. It mainly introduces the knowledge related to string concatenation. This article is based on jdk1.8.0_181. String concatenation String splicing is something we often do in Java code, which is to splice […]

[Pandas] The difference between pd.concat and pd.merge

Foreword Recently, I did a data mining project, which involved a large number of dataframe splicing operations. In this process, I have mainly used two splicing methods: pd.merge and pd.concat. I have encountered some pits and recorded them here. Introduction First, the official pandas documentation introduces these two methods: pd.merge: Merge DataFrame or named Series […]

slice() method, use concat() method, […originalArray], find(filter), remove class name removeAttr()

In JavaScript, clone is not a native array method in JavaScript. But you can use other methods to achieve the function of cloning the array. The following are several common methods of cloning arrays: Use the slice() method: const originalArray = [1, 2, 3]; const clonedArray = originalArray. slice(); console.log(clonedArray); // output [1, 2, 3] […]

String concatenation

String string splicing 1 Introduction 2. String Builder 2.1 Introduction to StringBuilder 2.2 Instructions for use 3.StringBuffer 4. String Joiner 5. String. Join() 1. Introduction For String, it is immutable. Using + to modify a string is to continuously create a new string object instead of modifying the original object. And for the modification and […]

Deep Learning–A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching shapes except for the concatenation axis.

When using the Unet model, the input size is not a power of 2, and the following error will appear when upsampling: A `Concatenate` layer requires inputs with matching shapes except for the concatenation axis. Unet model Image quoted from The Unet model mainly consists of two parts, downsampling and upsampling. Each downsampling contains […]

Elegantly concatenate strings using the String format method and placeholders

Regardless of the programming language, concatenating strings is a frequent operation. Many languages support concatenating strings by overloading the ” + ” operator, which is also the most common, fast and intuitive way. In addition to splicing with ” + “, some languages also support more advanced splicing methods. Compared with the newer version of […]

Multi-digit concatenated bytecode attempts to brute-force parse back to each numeric value

Randomly generate n integer values (value range -10000 to 10000), store the integer randomly in 1/2/4/8 bytes as binary Randomly generate m floating-point values (value range 0.001 to 1000.0), and store the floating-point values randomly in 2/4/8 bytes as binary n + m values are randomly ordered to form a binary bytecode, such as: b’40631fd13ff110b3ffffffffffffd955e44144014878′ […]