Understand the principles of SSH in one breath

Source: https://www.cnblogs.com/cjsblog/p/9476813.html SSH (Secure Shell) is a network security protocol that implements secure access and file transfer services through encryption and authentication mechanisms. Traditional remote login or file transfer methods, such as Telnet and FTP, use plain text to transmit data, which has many security risks. As people pay more attention to network security, these […]

DevChat Programming Assistant: A new tool to improve programming efficiency

Article directory Foreword What is DevChat? DevChat Registration Detailed explanation of DevChat usage tutorial Python environment setup VScode installation DevChat plug-in installation DevChat plug-in configuration DevChat hands-on experience Advantages of DevChat Summarize Foreword Which programming assistant is the best? DevChat is here to help! Code generation is slow? Model load is heavy? Poor generation effect? […]

libusb gets the Windows device instance path DevicePath

The interface provided by the libusb.h header file in the current version of libusb (1.0.26) seems to have no way to obtain the device instance path related to the Windows platform. It looks like: \?\usb#vid_04ca & amp;pid_7070#5 & amp;20d34a76 & amp;0 & amp;6#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} Only interfaces such as libusb_get_port_numbers are provided to obtain the topology. We […]

An article to understand the running mechanism of js – event loop

1. Explain the execution mechanism of JavaScript. The execution mechanism of JavaScript is based on the event loop. The event loop includes a task queue (Task Queue) and a microtask queue (Microtask Queue). When a function is called, it is added to the microtask queue. Each iteration of the event loop will first execute all […]

Spring IOC – Bean life cycle instantiation

As mentioned in the Spring startup process article, the initialization of the container starts with the refresh method, which calls the finishBeanFactoryInitialization method during the initialization process. In this method, the DefaultListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons method will be called. The core function of this method is to initialize non-lazy-loaded beans, and provides two extension points. The source code […]

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from

Table of Contents org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple Abnormal background solution in conclusion org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class [com.ak47.cms.cms.dto.TechArticleDto] from tuple When performing Hibernate-based data query, you may encounter an exception similar to ??org.hibernate.QueryException: could not instantiate class??, especially when using DTO (Data Transfer Object) from When mapping data in query results. […]

Oracle active/standby switchover, ogg recovery method (classic mode)

Foreword: This article mainly introduces how to recover the ogg process (classic mode) running in the main database and standby database when the Oracle database physical ADG primary and backup switches (switchover, failover). Test recovery scenario: 1 A switchover occurs between the active and standby devices, and the main database is the ogg source. 2 […]

DevChat is an all-in-one AI programming assistant that helps you “overwhelm your friends with one enemy and three scrolls”

What is DevChat and what can it help us with? DevChat is a product of OpenAI, an AI that can conduct programming-related conversations. This means you can use it to solve some programming problems or get advice about programming. You can provide code snippets and ask questions and it will help as much as possible. […]

Stm32_Standard library_18_Serial port & Bluetooth module_Communication between mobile phone and Bluetooth module_Control LED light on and off

Control the LED lights on and off by inputting LED_ON and LED_OFF respectively wiring: The positive electrode of the LED is connected to positive electricity, and the negative electrode is connected to GPIOA_Pin1 Bluetooth module TXD is connected to GPIOA_Pin3, VCC is connected to positive power, and GND is connected to negative power. Note: USART2 […]