Rockchip: FUSB302 fast charging function debugging

Some rockchip boards have fast charging chip FUSB302, which supports PD negotiation of voltage and current. In the device tree, the FUSB30 chip is mounted under i2c4 &i2c4 { status = “okay”; i2c-scl-rising-time-ns = <475>; i2c-scl-falling-time-ns = <26>; fusb0: fusb30x@22 { compatible = “fairchild,fusb302”; reg = “; pinctrl-names = “default”; pinctrl-0 = < & amp;fusb0_int>; […]

Using .NET to implement the plug-and-play function of USB devices

1. USB driver-free, the device is plug-and-play; 2. Monitor device insertion and extraction events. namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Test : Form { private libUsbContorl.UsbOperation usbOperation = new libUsbContorl.UsbOperation(); private UsbDevice usbDevice; private UsbEndpointReader epReader; private UsbEndpointWriter epWriter; private List<byte> recvData; //private int PID[10], VID; string[] SerialNumber = new string[10]; int[] PID = new […]

RK3588 USB Bluetooth debugging

1. Basic concepts of Bluetooth Bluetooth technology is a method of wireless communication that uses a specific frequency band (around 2.4GHz-2.485GHz) for electromagnetic wave transmission. The Bluetooth transmission principle is a master-slave relationship. One master device can be paired with 7 Bluetooth slave devices. 2. Bluetooth standard The Bluetooth standard version has developed as follows: […]

USB development using winUSB

What is winUSB WinUSB is a universal USB driver provided by Windows operating system to simplify the development and use of USB devices. It is a user-mode driver that can be used on Windows XP and higher operating systems. WinUSB provides a set of APIs and tools that enable developers to communicate with USB devices, […]

STM32F407 drives USB to implement virtual serial port

STM32F4 drives USB to implement virtual serial port Achieve purpose When using Dap-link and stlink, I found that these emulators do not have USB to TTL chips, so they can realize USB to serial port and virtual serial port, which is very convenient. The actual measurement here shows that using the USB virtual serial port, […]

USB bus-Linux kernel USB3.0 host controller driver initialization process analysis (13)

1. Overview RK3588 has 2 USB3.0 DRD controllers and 2 USB2.0 Host controllers. The USB3.0 DRD controller can be used as both Host and Device, and is backward compatible with USB2.0 and USB1.0. The internal structure of the USB3.0 DRD controller is shown in the figure below; the bus interface is AXI or AHB; USB3.0 […]

Android program that sends and receives data through the USB interface serial port

USB communication uses the system API, and USB-to-serial communication uses the third-party library usb-serial-for-android. Serial communication uses Google’s official library android-serialport-api. x The location of the local download after introducing the package: C:\Users\Administrator\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1 In Android, you can connect a serial device through a USB-to-serial adapter and send and receive data through the serial port. Here’s […]

Dynamically modify the IP and gateway of the USB shared network

For example, when modifying USB sharing, the IP, mask and gateway of the USB0 network card are and the gateway is After UE acts as the server-side DHCP to assign an IP to the PC, the PC shares the Internet. 1. Code path packages/modules/Connectivity/Tethering/src/android/net/ip/ Code modification — a/Tethering/src/android/net/ip/ + + + b/Tethering/src/android/net/ip/ […]

STM32H750 usb sound card, SAI driver PCM5102

PCM5102 Introduction: 1. This module works in the I2S protocol and supports 32bit audio data, which is simple and crude. 2. Comes with 4 mode controls, namely 1, 2, 3, and 4 IOs on the left side of the picture, respectively FLT (filter mode, low level = low-latency filtering, high level = high-quality filtering), 44.1Khz […]