ID number, format verification: @IdCard (Validation + Hutool)

Goals Customize an annotation @IdCard for verifying the ID card number format, which is compatible with the existing Validation parameter verification mechanism. Use The method is consistent with other validation annotations (use @Valid to annotate interface parameters). Verification logic Valid format In line with national standards. The citizen identity number is compiled in accordance with […]

Research on support vector machine SVM regression prediction based on five-fold cross validation with Matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

Spring – Validation best practices and its implementation principles, parameter verification is not that simple

1. Simple to use The Java API specification (JSR303) defines the standard validation-api for Bean verification, but does not provide an implementation. hibernate validation is the implementation of this specification, and adds verification annotations such as @Email, @Length, etc. Spring Validation is a secondary encapsulation of hibernate validation to support automatic verification of spring mvc […]

spring6-Internationalization: i18n | Data verification: Validation

Article directory 1. Internationalization: i18n 1.1, i18n overview 1.2. Java internationalization 1.3. Spring6 internationalization 1.3.1. MessageSource interface 1.3.2. Use Spring6 internationalization 2. Data verification: Validation 2.1. Overview of Spring Validation 2.2. Experiment 1: Implementation through Validator interface 2.3. Experiment 2: Bean Validation annotation implementation 2.4. Experiment 3: Method-based verification 2.5. Experiment 4: Implement custom verification […]

spring-boot-starter-validation data verification global exception interception processing

1. Why use Validation to verify parameters Usually when we use the spring framework to write interfaces, we need to perform null checking or format verification on some interface parameters to avoid program exceptions. That is, we usually use if-else to verify parameters one by one. There is no problem with this method logically, and […]

Spring data verification: Validation

Article directory Spring Validation Overview Experiment 1: Implementation through Validator interface Experiment 2: Bean Validation annotation implementation Experiment 3: Implementing verification based on methods Experiment 4: Implement custom verification Spring Validation Overview During development, we often encounter the need for parameter verification. For example, when a user registers, it is necessary to verify that the […]

Model selection and tuning (grid search and cross-validation)

1. Why cross-validation is needed Cross-validation purpose: To make the evaluated model more accurate and credible 2. What is cross validation Cross-validation: Divide the training data obtained into training and validation sets. Take the following figure as an example: the data is divided into 4 parts, one of which is used as the verification set. […]

el-form custom validation rules

Here we use v3 + ts to write verification rules Code structure: <template> <el-form ref=”ruleFormRef” :model=”form” :rules=”rules” label-position=”top”> <el-form-item label=”address” prop=”side” :class=”{‘input-focused’: focusMark === ‘side’,’input-has- value’: side}” class=”input-container”> <input type=”text” v-model=”side” @blur=”formBlur” @focus=”formFocus(‘side’)”/> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label=”mail” prop=”email” :class=”{‘input-focused’: focusMark === ’email’,’input-has- value’:}” class=”input-container”> <input type=”text” v-model=”” @blur=”formBlur” @focus=”formFocus(’email’)”/> </el-form-item> </el-form> </template> // Verification rules […]

vue3 + elementUI custom form validation rules and header sorting and filtering

Functional requirements: complete the addition, deletion, modification and query functions of the user module of the company’s internal projects, and use list display to filter data. 1. Create a new user with a unique user name; 2. Paging filtering, you can query based on user name, email address, etc.; 3. Table data filtering function, sorting […]