How does JS determine whether an element is in the visible area?

How to determine whether an element is in the visible area? 1. Use the position information of the element and the scroll height of the scroll bar 1-1 client series 1-1-1 clientWidth, clientHeight 1-1-2 clientTop, clientLeft 1-1-3 clientX, clientY 1-2 offset series 1-2-1 offsetTop, offsetLeft 1-2-2 offsetWidth, offsetHeight 1-2-3 offsetX, offsetY 1-3 scroll series 1-3-1 […]

android is visible and can be said to be implemented

Relying on iFlytek’s ASR recognition capability, use the Android accessibility service to obtain the page text as a hot word, and register it to the iFlytek API. After registration, the voice recognition returns the ASR of the hot word, and you can use WindowManager and accessibility clicks to make it visible. Talk about function ## […]

The el-table table dynamically sets the maximum height. The height changes adaptively according to the visible height of the window.

Since there is too much content in the table, if there is no height limit and there are 100 pieces of data per page, to operate the paging or other functions at the bottom, you need to go to the bottom of the data to operate, which results in poor user experience. The solution is […]

Python implements batch modification of article types on CSDN to “only visible to fans”

Main reference for this article: Because the reference article is from the past, CSDN has re-formatted the format. This code could not run before. I revised the code based on the latest version and it can complete the function Principle: Use the python library selenium to realize web component control and simulate the manual […]

DOM acquisition elements, window scrolling, visible area

1. DOM DOM (document Object model) is an object model for operating HTML documents. 2. Get elements 1. Methods provided by the system: (1), document.getElementsByClassName(): Obtained by class name (2), document.getElementById(): Obtain through Id name (3), document.getElementsByTagName(): Get by tag name (4), document.getElementsByName(): Obtained through the name attribute Among the above four methods, the second […]

Hazel game engine (123) C# script properties are visible in the editor panel, Mono hot update dll

If there are errors in the code, terminology, etc. in the text, please correct me Article directory foreword Text Narration: Implementation Ideas Code narration: ideas + key codes key code code idea Effect Follow-up to optimize Bugs found Foreword of this program In order to display the properties of the C# script class on the […]

[JavaEE] In-depth understanding of the visible scope (scope) and past life (life cycle) of beans in Spring

[JavaEE] Summary of Spring’s development points (4) Article directory [JavaEE] Summary of Spring’s development points (4) 1. Bean scope 1.1 An example feels the existence of scope 1.2 Illustrate the definition of scope through examples 1.3 Six different scopes 1.3.1 singleton singleton mode (default scope) 1.3.2 prototype prototype mode 1.3.3 request request scope 1.3.4 session […]

Data Hijacking Revealed: Vue’s Invisible Power and Infinite Possibilities

Article directory 1. Initialization phase 2. Responsive Detector 3. Data hijacking 4. Template compilation 5. Summary Vue.js implements two-way binding of data through data hijacking. It uses a mechanism called a “reactive system” to track and respond to changes in data, thereby automatically updating related views. Vue’s data hijacking principle is mainly divided into the […]

pg error attempted to delete invisible tuple

Description of the problem The postgresql database executes delete and reports an error: attempted to delete invisible tuple, and executes select with the same conditions without reporting an error delete from lzltab1; select count(*) from lzltab1; The result of executing full table delete and full table query: M=# delete from lzltab1; ERROR: 55000: attempted to […]