Operation commands for nodes in ZooKeeper (view, create, delete nodes)

When the sky is healthy, a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement; when the terrain is turbulent, a gentleman carries things with great virtue. Everyone is lazy, but continuous learning is the foundation of a good life. Let’s encourage each other! The articles are all for learning and organizing notes, mainly for sharing records. […]

Zk (ZooKeeper) distributed lock principle and implementation

Principle Zookeeper implements distributed locks based on temporary sequential nodes and Watcher listener mechanisms. 1. Each node of ZooKeeper is a natural sequencer. 2. The incremental ordering of ZooKeeper nodes can ensure lock fairness. 3.ZooKeeper’s node monitoring mechanism can ensure that the transfer of possession locks is orderly and efficient. Zookeeper has many ways to […]

GDI Fancy Exploration Based on C# Four: Image Zoom and Coordinate Transformation

1. Two lengthy sentences When playing with GDI, you cannot avoid images after all. Maybe at the beginning, I could try to assign the bitmap directly to the Image of the pictureBox to load the image, but it is a dead thing after all. Often when loading images, they basically have the function of zooming […]

Zookeeper cluster + Kafka cluster

Table of Contents 1. Overview of Zookeeper 1. Zookeeper definition 2. Zookeeper working mechanism 3. Features of Zookeeper 4. Zookeeper application scenarios 2. Zookeeper cluster deployment 1. Environment preparation 2. Install Zookeeper 3. Modify the configuration file 4. Create the data directory and log directory, and create a myid file in the data directory. 5. […]

Customize the window drag and zoom after setting the NoResize property of the WPF window

Add the following controls in xmal to mark the left, right, upper, and lower edges and the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right corners respectively. When the mouse moves in, out, or clicked, it triggers setting the mouse icon and resetting the icon respectively. , trigger resize and other operations <Path x:Name=”ResizeNW” […]

Appium touch operations (short press, long press, zoom, slide, etc.) [2]

Table of Contents 1.Introduce the object: TouchAction: touch A. Click (tap) operation: B. Slide the screen multiple times: C. Long press 2.MultiAction —– Multi-touch zoom in and out operation 2.1 Zoom in and out based on analytical gesture operations 2.2 Another method for zooming in/out: zoom/pinch 3. Sliding screen operation: A. driver.swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2,duration) […]

Android uses CameraX to implement operations such as previewing/photography/recording video/image analysis/focusing/zooming/switching cameras.

1. CameraX architecture See official documentation CameraX architecture There is the following passage Using CameraX, you interact with your device’s camera with the help of abstract concepts called “use cases.” Preview: Accepts a Surface used to display previews, such as PreviewView Image Analysis : Provides a CPU-accessible buffer for analysis (e.g. machine learning) Picture Capture […]

zookeeper installation && kafka installation

1.zookeeper installation zookeeper: introduction to zookeeper zookeeper installation: PS: Installing ZooKeeper is quite confusing. The tutorials on the Internet are written randomly. I really need to compare more, otherwise I will send it. mkdir zookeeper cd zookeeper/ wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.5.7/apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin.tar.gz tar -zxvf https://archive.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.5.7/apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin.tar.gz cd apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin/ cdconf #Look at this sentence and write it here mkdir /home/ubuntu/software/zookeeper/zk1 […]

ZooKeeper installation and configuration in Linux environment

Reprint: https://www.cnblogs.com/wuxl360/p/5817489.html 1. How to build Zookeeper There are three ways to install Zookeeper, stand-alone mode, cluster mode and pseudo-cluster mode. Stand-alone mode: Zookeeper only runs on one server, suitable for test environments; Pseudo-cluster mode: running multiple Zookeeper instances on one physical machine; Cluster mode: Zookeeper runs on a cluster, suitable for production environments. This […]