MineCraft 1.20.1 Module Development-(1)-Add the right-click to launch the withered skull and the additional floating effect of the attack to the Sapphire Sword

MineCraft 1.20.1 Module Development-(1)-Add right-click to launch withered skulls and attack additional floating effects for the Sapphire Sword The following are all developed by Forge, written in JAVA, the IDE is IDEA, and the version is 1.20.1 function: 1. Realize that the sapphire sword (custom weapon) can be right-clicked to release the withered skull, which […]

vue3+elementui plus implements the addition and modification of multi-select paging lists

vue3 + elementui plus implements the addition and modification of multi-select paging lists The business needs to realize such a requirement, which requires that a pop-up box be opened when adding a tag (the pop-up box is as shown below). Normally, the list is displayed on one page and multiple selections are made. This is […]

[YOLO Improvement] Addition of Efficient Decoupled Head decoupling head

Directory theoretical knowledge Decoupling and understanding in YOLOX Decoupling header in YOLOv6 YOLOv5 uses the Efficient Decoupled Head proposed by YOLOv6 experiment VisDrone dataset Experimental results Theoretical knowledge Decoupling and understanding in YOLOX The decoupling head was proposed in YOLOX. It can be seen that the original detection head of YOLO is coupled. The number […]

C language implementation sequence table (illustrated addition, deletion, checking and modification + code)

Article directory write in front 1. Initialization and destruction of sequence table 1.1 Initialization of sequence list (SLInit) 1.2 Destruction of sequence list (SLDestroy) 2. Insert data 2.1 Tail insert data (SLPushBack) 2.2 Head plug data (SLPushFront) 2.3 Insert data at specified location (SLInsert) 3. Delete data 3.1 Tail deletion of data (SLPopBack) 3.2 Header […]

Implementation of single linked list in C language (illustration of addition, deletion, checking and modification + code)

Article directory write in front 1. Definition of linked list nodes 2. Creation of linked list 3. Insert data 3.1 Head plug 3.2 Tail plug 3.3 Insert data before the specified position 4. Delete data 4.1 Header deletion 4.2 Tail deletion 4.3 Delete data at specified location 5. Find data 5. Destruction of linked list […]

Edabit Algorithm Fractions Addition And SubtractionFractions Addition And Subtraction

Fractions Addition And Subtraction simulation recursive Instructions The function is given a string representing an expression of many fractions addition and subtraction. Compute the arithmetic result and return the string in the form of an irreducible fraction. Even if the result is an integer, e.g. 3, return it as 3/1. Examples fractionsAddition(“4/5-6/4”) // “-7/10” fractionsAddition(“5/4-6/6”) […]