Activiti process instances and task allocation

Article directory 1. Process examples 1.1. What is a process instance? 1.2. Associate the actual business with the activiti table (BusinessKey) 1.3. Suspend and activate process instance 1.3.1. All process instances hang 1.3.2. A single process instance hangs 2. Task allocation 2.1. Fixed allocation 2.2. UEL expression distribution 2.2.1. UEL-value method 2.2.2, UEL-method method 2.3. […]

Address book (structure and dynamic memory allocation example)

Implement an address book; Address book can be used to store information. Each person’s information includes: name, gender, age, phone number, and address. Provide method: Add contact information Delete specified contact information Find specific contact information Modify designated contact information Show all contact information Clear all contacts Sort all contacts by first name 1. The […]

Linux system programming_process: C program space allocation, (v)fork, wait, exec, system, popen

1. Process related concepts (414.1) Question 1. What is a program, what is a process, and what is the difference? Program is a static concept, gcc xxx.c –o pro, the pro file is generated on the disk, which is called a program A process is a running activity of a program. In simple terms, when […]

Embedded Development Plan-37—-C++ Memory Dynamic Allocation and Recycling–Special Member Functions in C++ Classes

Eighty-five, C++ memory dynamic allocation and recycling Dynamic memory allocation and recycling in C language is done using malloc and free. This can also be done in C++ using the above two functions. C++ also provides users with two keywords for dynamic memory allocation and recycling new and delete 85.1 Allocation single memory allocation Format: […]

Understand the memory allocation method in Rust by customizing Vec<T>

In Rust, memory is generally allocated through syscall. You can customize the memory allocation algorithm, implement GlobalAlloc trait, and tell the compiler the customized memory allocation algorithm through the #[global_allocator] annotation. alloc and Layout in action Before we dive in, let’s get a basic idea of Rust memory allocation using alloc, dealloc and Layout through […]