Data structure experiment – implementing interpolation and Fibonacci search

Implement interpolation and Fibonacci search< /u> Experiment 1.1 Experimental content The so-called search, also known as retrieval, is to find data elements that meet certain conditions in a collection of data elements. Regarding the search of ordered tables, there are half search, interpolation search, Fibonacci search, etc. Their principles and implementation methods are different, and […]

Archive & Transformation [06] Use of Apex-Fancy-Tree-Select fancy tree & restoration of accidentally deleted page data (export and import based on time nodes)

I have always wanted to realize cascade selection between factory area-region-production line, so I imported the plug-in Apex-Fancy-Tree-Select fancy tree Archive & Transformation【03】Import of Apex-Fancy-Tree-Select fancy tree-CSDN Blog Now it is the application in Oracle Apex Fancy book cascading list displays factory area-region-production line The effect you want to achieve The items are listed level […]

After mysql accidentally deletes or updates wrong data under Linux, recover data from binlog (6)

1. Overall idea: 1. Check the binlog status and confirm the binlog file storage location: show variables like’%log_bin%’; 2. View the status of the binlog of the current operation: show master status; 3. Flush logs refresh status and regenerate new binlog files to ensure that the original files are not modified: flush logs; 4. Search […]

[Dynamic Programming] They are Tabonacci numbers, not Fibonacci numbers

Problem: 1137. Nth Tabonacci number Article directory Question interpretation Problem solving method dp dynamic programming Iterative optimization? the complexity Code Explanation of the question First, let’s explain the meaning of this question I believe that when readers see [Tepbonacci Numbers], they can’t help but think of [Fibonacci Numbers]. They are twin brothers. This Tepbonacci Number […]

[Dynamic Programming]: 509. Fibonacci numbers, 70. Climbing stairs, 746. Climbing stairs with minimum cost

Tips: Live hard and have a happy day Article directory 509. Fibonacci numbers Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question 70. Climb the stairs Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question 746. Climb the stairs with minimum cost Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question Today’s experience 509. Fibonacci […]

Let’s talk about how to recover accidentally updated data from the binlog file and simulate Oracle’s flashback function.

If you are tired of reading articles, come and listen to the video demonstration: Traditional processing: full backup + incremental binlog backup Simulate Oracle flashback: The premise is binlog_format=ROW drop table t_student; create table t_student(id int,name varchar(18),class int,score varchar(18)); insert into t_student values(1,’a’,1,66),(2,’b’,1,58),(3,’c’,2,86),(4,’d’,2,78 ); update t_student set score=’failure’; Principle: The ROW mode of binlog […]

R language nonlinear regression and generalized linear models: Poisson, gamma, logistic regression, Beta regression analysis of motor vehicle accidents, mouse infections, clam data, supplement sodium intake data | Data sharing…

Full text link: We use Generalized Linear Models (GLM) to study non-normal data of customers and explore non-linear relationships(Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the complete< strong>Code data). Related videos GLM is a flexible statistical model that works with a variety of data types and distributions, including […]

Online accidents caused by improper use of ShardingJDBC

This article tells a tragic story caused by improper use of ShardingJDBC. 1. Problem recurrence One day, operations reported that some of our order statuses and third-party order statuses could not be synchronized. According to the phenomenon, it was found that the order status could not be synchronized because the thirdOrderId of the order table […]