“The Third Level of Algorithm Clearance Village – The Magical Use of Double Pointers”

Directory: Understand how the double pointer idea works (fast and slow type and collision type) Understand how double pointers solve the problem of deleting elements Understand how dual pointers solve the odd-even movement problem Understand how double pointers solve array rotation problems Understand how pointers solve interval-related problems Understand how double pointers solve string substitution […]

Capacitor packages h5 to Android application, uniapp https http net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED

Capacitor packages h5 to Android application, uniapp https http net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED capacitor official website: https://capacitorjs.com/docs/ The project needs to make an app, and this app is made with uniapp, which uses a library that relies on dom, so Uniapp cannot be used to directly generate the corresponding android application. I tried it, but it cannot be […]

Algorithm Clearance Village | Level 0 | Warm-up: data structure, time complexity, space complexity

1. “There are only a few types of data structures” When it comes to data structures, we only discuss the following fixed categories: sets, arrays, linked lists (linear lists), trees, and graphs: these categories: gather { , , , } From the world of mathematics/data structures, when we talk about a “Set” we usually mean […]

Clear and easy to understand explanation of AOP

1.What is AOP? AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) is a programming paradigm that guides developers on how to organize program structures. OOP (Object Oriented Programming) object-oriented programming We all know that OOP is a programming thought, and AOP is also a programming thought. The main content of programming thought is to guide programmers how to write […]