MySQL database backup and recovery

Backup Full backup and full backup Full backup Full backup: Back up the entire database completely Incremental backup Incremental backup: It is to back up subsequent newly added content based on the full backup. Backup requirements 1. Data security is crucial in a production environment, and any data loss may have serious consequences. 2. Why […]

MySQL backup and recovery

The importance of data backup 1. In a production environment, data security is crucial Any data loss will have very serious consequences. 2. Why data is lost: program operations, calculation errors, disk failures, unpredictable events (earthquakes, tsunamis), human operations Classification and backup strategies of database backup 1. Physical backup Physical backup: Backup of physical files […]

nacos does service configuration and server discovery

1. Create a project 1. Create a spring-boot project 2. Create three modules: file, system, and gateway modules 3. file and system configure startup information respectively, and create a simple controller server.port=9000 server.servlet.context-path=/file 4. Introduce dependencies in the root directory <properties> <java.version>1.8</java.version> <spring-cloud.version>2021.0.8</spring-cloud.version> </properties> … <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-dependencies</artifactId> <version>${spring-cloud.version}</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> […]

STM32F407-Discovery’s hardware FPU

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to FPU of STM32F407 2. Configuration 3. Comparative testing 3.1 Example 1 3.2 Example 2 4. Summary This article is based on the STM32 HAL library version: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0 1. Introduction to FPU of STM32F407 FPU: Float Point Unit, which is the floating point operation unit. If a fixed-point CPU (CPU […]

Refined solution to the bracket matching problem and ultimate stack design: uncovering the mysteries of the largest stack and the smallest stack

Directory Bracket matching problem Minimum stack Maximum stack Max stack and min stack are two important variants of extreme stack. The max stack is used to store the maximum value of the current match, and the min stack is used to store the minimum value of the current match. Bracket matching problem Let’s take a […]

[Cambrian (2)] Media processing system: use of vgu video graphics unit, resize image (resize), cover (cover), operation display (osd), mosaic (mosaic), draw line (drawline), rotation ( rotate)

1 API situation of VGU library cnS32_t cnvguBeginJob(cnvguHandle_t *phHandle); – This function may start an image processing task, and its parameter may be a handle to the processing task. The return value may be an error code (S32_t is usually used for error codes) or a status code. cnS32_t cnvguCancelJob(cnvguHandle_t hHandle); – This function may […]

06.Oracle data backup and recovery RMAN

oracle basic system learning directory 01.CentOS7 silently install oracle11g 02.Oracle startup process 03. Start with simple sql 04.Oracle’s architecture 05.Oracle database objects 06.Oracle data backup and recovery 07.User and permission management 08.Oracle tables 09.Partitioning of Oracle tables 10.Oracle synonyms and sequences 11.Oracle’s view 12.Oracle index 13.Oracle connects to Java through JDBC 14.Transactions in Oracle 15.Oracle11g […]

Algorithm: Checkerboard Coverage Problem (C Version)

Ideas for doing the questions In a chessboard consisting of 2k×2k squares, if there is exactly one square that is different from the other squares, this square is called a special square, and the chessboard is called a special chessboard. In the chessboard covering problem, four different L-shaped dominoes as shown in the figure must […]

Oracle database error ORA-600: [4194] processing after recovery

Error ORA-600: [4194] Processing after Oracle database recovery Fault phenomenon Solution Rebuild UNDO tablespace ORA-600 [4137] error Possible cleanup work Fault phenomenon Phenomena: After completing the recovery of the NBU tape library, the test library will hang up within a few minutes after it is opened. The alarm log error is as follows: Errors in […]