
Original address: ECMAScript 2022 is the ECMAScript version corresponding to this year. Some new features have been added and can be used in our JavaScript projects. If you want to know about ES2021, I have created the next blog post for it New JavaScript Features ECMAScript 2021 (With Examples) This year’s new features for […]

EmpireCMS penetration testing and shooting range construction (vulnerability reproduction)

1. Build CMS This article does not involve detailed code audit, but mainly implements vulnerability reproduction technology. Step 1: Upload Upload all files and directory structures in the ./upload directory of the installation package to the server’s website root directory (note that the files and directories in the upload directory are uploaded, not the upload […]

ECMAScript (ES6)

Directory 1. let and const 2. Destructuring assignment 3. Built-in objects 1. Symbol 2. String 3. Value 4. Object 5. Map and Set Fourth, remove the duplicate elements of the array 1. let and const let: The declared variable cannot have the same name, and there is no variable promotion for the declared variable. The […]

Build a large-scale, high-concurrency, high-availability, scalable three- and four-layer load balancing system ECMP+LVS

First of all, we use LVS for layer four load balancing, and we implement ECMP (OSPF) for layer three. Routers that support the ECMP feature forward IP packets to different load balancing servers, and LVS performs load balancing through NAT. First look at the network topology of this implementation. There are a total of 9 […]

ECMAScript6 (ES6)

【ES6】ECMAScript6 1. let declare variables 1. It is not allowed to declare variables repeatedly to prevent variables from being polluted Sample code: let userName = “Zhang San”; let userName = “Lisi”; console.log(userName); 2. Used in block-level scope, cannot jump out of block-level scope (that is, cannot be promoted to all variables) Block-level scope includes: { […]

2. ECMAScript, BOM, DOM in the advanced part of JavaSciptg

0. Introduction The JavaScript implementation should consist of the following three parts: ECMAScript, DOM, BOM. ECMAScript: ES stipulates the syntax and basic core knowledge of JS, DOM: Document Object Model (Document Object Model), let us operate web pages through the interface provided by DOM. Through dom, all elements of HTML documents can be accessed and […]

[ECMAScript6_5] Reflect, Promise object, Iterator and for…of loop, Generator function

1. Reflect Put some methods of the Object object that obviously belong to the language (such as Object.defineProperty) on the Reflect object. In other words, the internal methods of the language can be obtained from the Reflect object. Modify the return results of some Object methods to make them more reasonable. Let Object operations become […]

ECMAScript6_4Symbol, Set, Map, Proxy

1. ES6 introduces a new primitive data type Symbol, which represents a unique value. It is one of the native data types of the JavaScript language. Other data types are: undefined, null, Boolean (Boolean), string (String), value (Number), large integer (BigInt), object (Object). Symbol values are generated by the Symbol() function. The generated Symbol is […]