Factorial decomposition – prime factorization + calculation of combinatorial numbers

First introduce the basic theorem of arithmetic m = P 1 α 1 P 2 α 2 P 3 α 3 P 4 α 4 . . . . . P k α k \displaystyle\bm{m=P_1^{\alpha_1}P_2^{\alpha_2}P_3^{\alpha_3}P_4^{\alpha_4}….P_k^{\alpha_k}} m=P1α1P2α2P3α3P4α4….Pkαk in P 1 , P 2 . . . . . . P k P_1,P_2……P_k P1?, P2?…Pk? are all […]

JS- Function inheritance, closure, recursion, factorial, pseudo-array

1- Inheritance (1) Borrow constructor to inherit members <script> function Person(name,age){ this.type = ‘Person-my property’ this.name = name this.age = age } Person.prototype.sayName = function(){ console.log(“I am the method of the prototype”); } function Student(name,age){ // Borrow constructor to inherit members Person. call(this,name,age) } var s1 = new Student(“Zhang San”,91) console.log(s1.type); console.log(s1.name); console.log(s1.age); // Inheritance […]

Recursion, recursive method call, recursive realization of factorial, monkey eating peach, maze, Hanoi tower problem

Basic definition Recursion means that the method calls itself, passing in different variables each time it is called. Recursion helps to solve complex problems and at the same time makes the code more concise. Recursive application Various math problems, such as Eight Queens, Towers of Hanoi, Factorial, Maze, Ball and Basket Problem, etc. Recursion is […]

Factorial design ANOVA (individual effects, main effects, interaction effects)

ANOVA with factorial design (individual effects, main effects, interaction effects) Factorial design is a very commonly used experimental design method. By examining the influence of various factors on the results, it can help us judge the influence of different variables on the results, and the significance of the results under different factors can be obtained […]

Level 2: Call the factorial function to calculate and output the value of p=m!/(n!*(m-n)!)

mission details related information programming requirements Test instruction Task Description The task of this level: write the function fun(), according to the formula p=m!/(n!*(m-n)!) to find p value, the result is returned by the function value. Related knowledge In order to complete the task of this level, you need to master the nested calls of […]

Level 1: Call the factorial function to calculate and output 1! +2! +3! +…+n! the value of

mission details related information programming requirements Test instruction Task Description The task of this level: Write the factorial function fact(), use it to calculate and return 1! +2! + 3! + … + n! value. Related knowledge For the factorial fact() function for calculating integers, considering that the factorial value may exceed the representation range […]

C language classic ten questions (hundreds of money and a hundred chickens, chickens and rabbits in the same cage, calculating the factorial of n, judging whether it is a prime number, reversing a string, summing, string splicing, guessing numbers, converting bases, outputting patterns)

C language is a widely used programming language and most program developers have learned it. For beginners, learning a programming language requires mastering some basic problems and programming ideas, which are the basis for becoming an excellent programmer. In this article, we will introduce some C language problems that beginners should learn, and provide appropriate […]

Classic addition, subtraction, multiplication and factorial of large numbers

Addition of large numbers Friendly reminder: Two positive integers whose lengths are length1 and length2 (length2 > length1), if subtracted, may be a number with length2 or length2 – 1, if the two numbers are identical Multiply, you can get a number with a length of length1 + length2 or (length1 + length2)-1! Brief description […]