Flutter_Slider_SliderTheme_Slider/Slider_Gradient color

Call examples and effects SliderTheme( data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith( trackHeight: 3, // slider trackShape: const GradientRectSliderTrackShape(radius: 1.5), // slider thumbShape: const GradientSliderComponentShape( rectWH: 14, overlayRectSpace: 4, overlayColor: Colors.black), ), child: Slider( value: 3, //Color of unslided area inactiveColor: Color(0x55FFFFFF), min: 1, max: 10, ), ) Slider gradient color import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; class GradientRectSliderTrackShape extends SliderTrackShape with BaseSliderTrackShape {<!– […]

c++ visual processing—morphological gradient

c++ visual processing-morphological gradient Morphology: cv::morphologyEx cv::morphologyEx is one of the functions used to perform morphological operations in OpenCV. It allows you to apply various morphological operations on the image, such as dilation, corrosion, opening operations, closing operations, morphology Learning gradient, etc. The following is the basic syntax of the cv::morphologyEx function: void cv::morphologyEx( cv::InputArray […]

[Machine learning][Part4] Implementation of gradient descent linear prediction model under multi-dimensional matrix

Table of Contents Model initialization information: Model implementation: Multivariable loss function: Multivariable gradient descent implementation: Multivariable gradient implementation: Multivariable gradient descent implementation: The training example in the previously partially implemented gradient descent linear prediction model has only one feature attribute: house area, which is obviously not in line with the actual situation. Here, increase the […]

Activation function and gradient of loss

Activation function: Biologists first studied the neuron mechanism of frogs and found that frog neurons have multiple inputs x0, x1, and x2, and the response value is the result of their weighting. However, if the response value is less than the threshold, it will not respond. , and only when it is greater than the […]

Optimizing gradient descent problems using Scipy

Table of Contents Problem restatement Additional questions Step implementation 1. Check SciPy official website SciPy and find the module related to optimization (Optimize) 2. Research a variety of optimization strategies and choose the solution that best fits the code for optimization. 3.minimize function parameters and their return values 4.Code display 5.Result display 6. Further optimization […]

[Practical combat] Flowing arrows – linear flow component (repeating-linear-gradient, @keyFrames)

Article directory 1. Introduction 2. Component ideas 3. Effect drawing 4. Source code src\components\flow-arrow\index.js src\components\flow-arrow\keyFrames.js src\components\flow-arrow\constant.js Component call 5. Extend learning 1.repeating-linear-gradient 2.animation 3.@keyFrames Obtain component source code: Recommended books “Next.js in practice” 【brief introduction】 1. Introduction In large-screen data display, if the data in different data layers is displayed by nodes, in order to […]

echarts implements pie chart gradient color

<template> <div> <Echart :options=”options” id=”centreLeft1Chart” height=”193px” width=”380px” style=” border: solid rgb(83, 146, 199) 1px; margin: 5px; border-radius: 5px; ” ></Echart> </div> </template> <script> import Echart from “@/components/echart”; import * as echarts from “echarts”; export default {<!– –> data() {<!– –> return {<!– –> options: {<!– –>}, data: [ {<!– –> value: 52, name: “Success” }, […]

echarts line chart curve and legend legend respectively gradient

1. The two data curves of the line chart gradient respectively, and the two legends also gradient A. Legend gradient //Legend gradient legend: {<!– –> icon: “rect”, itemWidth: 62, itemHeight: 3, right: 5, textStyle: {<!– –> fontSize: 14, color: “#6C7B8A”, }, data: [{<!– –> name: ‘Charging’, itemStyle: {<!– –> color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0,1, 1, [ […]

Android development View _9_ implements gradient function (straight line and circle)

Foreword The categories for setting color gradients in android custom Views are: LinearGradient The parameters of the linear gradient are: X coordinate of point A, Y coordinate of point A, X coordinate of point B, Y coordinate of point B, int[] color array, float[] gradient point array, renderer mode; RadialGradient mirror gradient The parameters of […]