Why are module circular dependencies not infinite? CommonJS and ES Module are handled differently?

If you are asked “the difference between CommonJS and ES Module”, probably every front end will recite a few: one is a copy of the exported value, one is a reference to the exported value; one is loading at runtime, and the other is static compilation.. . This article will focus on the differences between […]

[Aerodynamics] Simulation of single-machine infinite system power angle stability simulation based on Runge-Kutta method matlab implementation

About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For matlab project cooperation, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm Neural […]

Vue3 waterfall flow dynamically loads images, infinite scrolling in drop-down

Prerequisite knowledge: JavaScript obtains screen height and width and monitors screen size changes https://blog.csdn.net/u014651560/article/details/107027414 js listens to the page or element scroll event and scrolls to the bottom or top https://blog.csdn.net/mouday/article/details/125444003 Common APIs for obtaining the width and height of DOM elements in JavaScript https://juejin.cn/post/7011062379546935303 Various heights (widths) in js https://juejin.cn/post/7017727173528125453 js gets the height […]

How to implement infinite loop scrolling in vue3; implementation of infinite loop scrolling of el-table content

Requirement: vue3 implements infinite loop scrolling of content within a div method one: <template> <div id=’container’> <div class=”item” v-for=item in 5>Test content{<!– –>{<!– –>{ item }}</div> </div> </template> <script setup> //Encapsulate a method const fengzhuang = (containerId) => { let intervalId = null const container = document.getElementById(containerId) // console.log(“container”,container.scrollTop); const content = container.scrollHeight let containerHeight […]

When AI meets IoT: Opening up infinite possibilities for smart life

Article directory 1. Integration of AI and IoT 1.1 What is artificial intelligence (AI)? 1.2 What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? 1.3 Integration of AI and IoT 2. Smart home 2.1 Smart home security 2.2 Smart home automation 3. Healthcare 3.1 Remote monitoring 3.2 Personalized medicine 4. Intelligent transportation 4.1 Traffic Forecast 4.2 Autonomous […]

Cocos 2d-x lua uses basic containers to infinitely loop lists

–Create a circular list class local LoopList = class(“LoopList”) —@param panel ccui.Layout —@param directionType 1 vertical 2 horizontal function LoopList:ctor(panel,data, callback, directionType, offset) self.panel=panel self.directionType =directionType or 1 local model =panel:getChildByName(“model”) model:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0,1)) self.itemPrefab =model self.data =data self.selectUPId=0 self.selectDownId=0 self.callback=callback self.panel:removeAllChildren() self.panel_h= self.panel:getContentSize().height self.item_h =self.itemPrefab:getContentSize().height self.panel_w= self.panel:getContentSize().width self.item_w =self.itemPrefab:getContentSize().width self.offset=offset or 5 self.itemContent={} self:addEvent() self:creatrViewMaxItems() self.panel:onNodeEvent(“exit”, […]

[Function stack frame analysis: fascinating accumulation and infinite nesting of code]

Key points of this chapter 1. What is a function stack frame 2. Function stack frame characteristics – same stack – last in first out 3. Understand the memory space layout diagram Four. Understanding related registers 5. Understand the relevant assembly commands Six. Test code: Seven. The whole process of function stack frame Problem to […]

Explore the infinite possibilities of data sets and proxy IPs, and Liang Data will help you open up a data-driven future!

Foreword In today’s era of information explosion, data sets have become one of the most important core development assets for enterprises or individuals, such as the data on popular e-commerce products and so on. However, how to effectively collect and utilize this data is a very challenging problem. For example: the characteristics of current web […]

[Flutter] Flutter uses infinite_scroll_pagination to implement infinite scrolling paging

[Flutter] Flutter uses infinite_scroll_pagination to implement infinite scrolling paging Article directory I. Introduction 2. Installation and basic use 1. Add dependencies 2. Basic configuration and initialization 3. Usage in actual business 1. Integrate with API 2. Error handling 4. Complete example 1. Create an infinite scrolling list 2. Use it in your application 3. Complete […]