Generative AI – Knowledge Graph Prompting: A multi-document question answering method based on large models

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) tasks. They change the way we interact with and process text data. These powerful AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, have changed the way human-like text is understood and generated, leading to numerous breakthrough applications across a variety of industries. LangChain is an open source […]

Teach you step by step how to implement the producer-consumer model

?Yin’s Blog | Yin’s Blog (, welcome to my blog to read. This article will introduce you to the definition, characteristics, and processes of the producer-consumer model, and take you step by step to implement the producer-consumer model. 1. Introduction The producer-consumer pattern is a concurrency design pattern used to solve the collaboration and data […]

CNN model training–Code practice for verification code identification

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Summary Abstract CNN model training–Verification code identification 1. Code practice 2. Clarify training needs 3. Collect training data 4. CNN network architecture 5. Model training […]

PureEdgeSim -locationmanager package -MobilityModel file

MobilityModel The main class of the mobility manager module, which generates mobility paths for different edge devices. Current device location protected Location currentLocation; Is the device moving? protected boolean isMobile = false; Minimum pause duration protected double minPauseDuration; Maximum pause duration protected double maxPauseDuration; Maximum movement duration protected double maxMobilityDuration; Minimum movement duration protected double […]

Initial MySQL (2) (add, delete, check and modify tables)

Table of Contents Modify table CRUD (add, delete, modify, check) insert statement (add data to the table) update statement (modify data in the table) delete delete statement select statement Modify table Add column ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype] …); Modify column ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] […]

Hive data warehouse environment construction and data warehouse modeling

Summary of the problem: After I completed the data warehouse modeling, one day I opened my dbeaver again and all the data was gone. I found many solutions but could not solve my problem. In a fit of anger, I deleted hive and all tables. Start over 1. Hive data warehouse environment construction Hive installation […]

[Large model] Large language model corpus download

Article directory Overview Hugging Face obs operation git-lfs example RedPajama-Data-1T SlimPajama-627B/ git clone resume Data Format References Overview Corpus is very important in large model training. Currently, there are various corpora available for download on the public Internet, but it is impossible for every user and every training task. To pull corpus through the public […]

Modeling analysis of the “Friends” sitcom data set based on LDA topic analysis

?♂? Personal homepage: @ aiperson’s personal homepage ?About the author: Python learner I hope everyone will support us and we will make progress together! If the article is helpful to you, Welcome to comment Like Collection Add follow + Table of Contents 1.Project background 2. Introduction to data sets 3.Technical Tools 4. Experimental process 4.1 […]

[Maven]–Module splitting, aggregation, inheritance, attributes, private server

1. Module development and design Split each layer into a module and then modify the corresponding configuration file Compile each module [compile] and install [install] to the local warehouse Where needed, import it as a dependency in the pom.xml file SSM_pojo split Create a new module [no need to add a template] Copy the corresponding […]

How does SmargGBD (GB28181 device access module) connect to wvp-gb28181-pro

Technical background When we connect to SmartGBD (GB28181 device access module), in addition to the conventional national standard platforms such as Hikvision Dahua Univision, some companies will choose wvp-gb28181-pro. As we all know, WEB VIDEO PLATFORM is an out-of-the-box network video platform based on the GB28181-2016 standard. It is responsible for implementing the core signaling […]