How to build based on spring cloud alibaba 2022.0.0, native-image (updated)

This document is based on Test verification and configuration Optimized. 1. Installation environment yum install freetype-devel unzip zip gcc 1.Install sdk curl -s “” | bash source “$HOME/.sdkman/bin/” 2.Install java Note: Select version 22.3, which is consistent with the plug-in version configured in pom.xml. sdk install java 22.3.r17-nik sdk use java 22.3.r17-nik 2. The […]

Alternatives to Transform in Gradle8.0

1. Routing plug-in design ideas Transform was removed in Gradle 8.0. From the official document “Android Gradle Plug-in API Update”, it can be seen that it does not provide a direct replacement API, but provides several corresponding solutions based on different scenarios. In the previous article “Plug-in Development Based on Gradle 8.0”, based on the […]

ID card number, format verification: @IdCard (Validation + native implementation of verification logic)

Goals Customize an annotation @IdCard for verifying the ID card number format, which is compatible with the existing Validation parameter verification mechanism. Use The method is consistent with other validation annotations (use @Valid to annotate interface parameters). This article uses native methods to implement verification logic, and the implementation of verification rules is relatively basic; […]

7. React Native hot update

RN hot update I believe friends who have used RN know that even if you only write one line of code, the packaged apk is very large, which is similar to that of electron. I happen to have an RN project in hand. If I make some small changes (without touching the native version), I […]

Cloud native microservice Spring Cloud Hystrix downgrade and circuit breaker practical application

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 Application of Java Thread Pool Technology Chapter 2 Application of CountDownLatch and Semaphone Chapter 3 Introduction to Spring Cloud Chapter 4 Spring Cloud Netflix-Eureka Chapter 5 Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon Chapter 6 OpenFeign of Spring Cloud Chapter 7 GateWay of Spring Cloud Chapter 8 Hystrix of Spring Cloud Netflix […]

Android Native Looper Mechanism

This article is excerpted from Android Framework Tutorial for Application Development. For the complete tutorial, please visit For more detailed video tutorials and Q&A services, please contact WeChat zzh0838 This article is based on the aosp android-12.0.0_r26 branch. After a simple main function is executed, the entire process ends. In order to allow a […]

Use the native-image local image tool to compile the SpringBoot environment image

Windows environment uses native-image local image tool to compile SpringBoot project local image MSVC environment installation Download VisualStudio (not VSCode) Check local tool installation Install GraalVM GraalVM installation Verify installation Test gu tool Local mirror tool installation Verify native-image tool installation Add system environment variables ready Create a sample SpringBoot project Project structure Use native-image […]