Android–Gradle plug-in

1. Android Studio version, Android Gradle plug-in version, Gradle version Android Studio uses Gradle to build code through the Android Gradle plug-in; After each upgrade of Android Studio, the Android Gradle plug-in is automatically updated, and the corresponding Gradle version will also change; Therefore, the following correspondence will be generated: (1) Correspondence between Android Studio […]

Best practices for gradle multi-module dependency management

Gradle multi-module dependency management best practices Multi-module project dependency management Define submodules Use buildSrc to define plugins SofastModulePlugin Optional dependencies Add dependencies submodule Other submodules web Multi-module project dependency management Dependency management is an essential operation in the project development process. How to elegantly manage multiple module dependencies in Gradle is a question worth exploring. […]

Android Gradle8.0 and above multi-channel writing and how to import packages for different channels, fill in the pits!

Table of Contents multi-channel writing Reference different packages for multiple channels There was a failure while populating the build operation queue: Could not stat file E:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\app\src\UAT\libsUAT\xxx-provider(?)-xx.aar After the recent upgrade to Gradle8.3 and the migration from Groovy to Kotlin, many writing methods have changed. I won’t go into details about the rest, but let’s focus […]

Gradle-10Build analysis that cannot be ignored

1. Foreword Build performance is critical to productivity. As projects become more complex, the longer it takes to build, the less efficient development becomes. By analyzing the construction process, you can understand where the project construction time is spent and what potential problems exist in the project, find construction bottlenecks, solve problems, and improve construction […]

Alternatives to Transform in Gradle8.0

1. Routing plug-in design ideas Transform was removed in Gradle 8.0. From the official document “Android Gradle Plug-in API Update”, it can be seen that it does not provide a direct replacement API, but provides several corresponding solutions based on different scenarios. In the previous article “Plug-in Development Based on Gradle 8.0”, based on the […]

Correct use of Android Studio SDK&Gradle&JDK and other tools

AS may occupy a large amount of space on the C drive during installation and use, which is very unfriendly for people with a small C drive. In fact, we can customize the installation path. software development kitAndroid software development kit The Android SDK is a free, specialized programming language that allows you to create […]

Spring 5.1.x local build build.gradle file configuration

Error encountered: Could not GET ‘’. Received status code 401 from server: Could not find io.spring.gradle:propdeps-plugin:0.0.9.RELEASE. buildscript {<!– –> // repositories {<!– –> //gradlePluginPortal() // maven {<!– –> url “” } // } // dependencies {<!– –> // classpath(“io.spring.gradle:propdeps-plugin:0.0.9.RELEASE”) // classpath(“org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj-pdf:1.5.0-alpha.16”) // } ext {<!– –> springBootVersion = ‘2.0.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT’ } repositories {<!– –> mavenCentral() maven […]

The main module/submodule channel correspondence relationship in gradle is realized through configuration

Foreword: During our development process, we often face scenarios where different codes and resources need to be generated for different channels. At present, Google actually provides us with a set of channel package solutions, which are briefly described here. For example, my main module depends on module1 and module2. If two channels A and B […]