Secondary packaging of axios

Structural description We usually create a request.js file like this for secondary encapsulation of axios The most basic demonstration Here is a simple demonstration //Introduce files import axios from “axios” //Global configuration const request=axios.create({<!– –> baseURL:”http://localhost:3000″, //Root path timeout:8000 //Request timeout time }) export default request <template> <div> <button @click=”emitget”>Send get request</button> </div> </template> <script> […]

[docker] docker packaging RoboMaster unmanned aerial vehicle intelligent sensing technology competition

Foreword At the end of the RoboMaster Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Intelligent Sensing Technology Competition, all codes and environments need to be packaged using docker into a compressed package of image files that can be run with one click. How to package all the above environments and codes is quite troublesome. Let’s record the pitfalls here: […]

uglifyjs is not used, but UglifyJs error is reported when packaging; Unexpected token: name (raf) [main_25188b.js:121200,4]

Article directory background: Troubleshoot the error locally The local project package.json does not have UglifyJs dependencies installed. It is speculated that one of the dependencies of a plug-in itself contains UglifyJs UglifyJs errors can be solved by compiling with babel and converting es6 to es5. Change the configuration of babel-loader from exclude to include to […]

Solve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata

Table of Contents Solve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata background wrong reason Solution in conclusion Sample code cx_Freeze packaging background Features of cx_Freeze Basic usage of cx_Freeze in conclusion Resolve cx_Freeze packaging error importError:can not import name idnadata Background When developing in Python, we often use some packaging tools to package our […]

Application of C++ prefix sum algorithm: Minimum wasted space for packaging Principle source code test cases

Basic knowledge points involved in this article C++ algorithm: principles, source code and test cases of prefix sum, prefix product, prefix XOR including course videos Title You are given n packages, and you need to put them in boxes, one package in each box. There are a total of m suppliers offering boxes of different […]

cocosCreator’s localStorage local storage and packaging expansion

Version: 3.8.0 Language: TypeScript Environment: Mac Introduction In cocosCreator, the localStorage interface is mainly used for local storage, and data is stored and read in the key-value format. The main interfaces are: Interface Description setItem(key, value ) Save the data of the specified index getItem(key) Get Data at the specified index removeItem(key) Remove data at […]

Super easy to use element’s el-table table component secondary packaging – with source code and explanation

Foreword: In the development of many backend management systems, there are always a lot of tables used. If we use the el-table on the elementui official website to write every time, it will be very troublesome to adjust the styles of all tables, and the page content will also be inconsistent. It would be cumbersome […]

python packaging and running tips

1. Several methods of packaging Python has several packaging methods for packaging scripts into executable files for running in environments without a Python interpreter. Here are some common Python packaging methods: Using pyinstaller: pyinstaller is a commonly used third-party tool that can package Python scripts into executable files. It can automatically detect a script’s dependencies […]

Optimize the speed of maven packaging

In a recently developed project, microservices were used and there were a large number of modules. Every time the full package was compiled and compiled, it was very slow, so we began to consider the direction of optimization. Since the project is built using maven, this article focuses on optimizing the speed of maven packaging. […]

Python virtual environment construction, packaging into exe release and summary of problems encountered

Python virtual environment construction, packaging into exe release and summary of problems encountered Article directory Python virtual environment construction, packaging into exe release and summary of problems encountered 1. Software used in the project 2.Python virtual environment installation 3. Problems and solutions: 3.1 Use pyinstaller to compile the file to exe to generate 1. WARNING: […]