C++ encapsulates the C language MYSQL PrepareStatement interface (mysql_stmt_prepare)

example: auto stmt = pMysqlSession->findByIndex(StmtGMArenaSeasonPlayer::ID); auto pStmtData = static_cast<StmtGMArenaSeasonPlayer*>(stmt->getStmtData()); pStmtData->bindParams(fb->player_id(), fb->season_id()); stmt->exec(); int maxRank = 0; int count = 0; if (stmt->fetch()) { maxRank = pStmtData->get_max_rank(); count = pStmtData->get_count(); } Source File: StmtGMArenaCount::StmtGMArenaCount() : MysqlStmtData(ID, MYSQL_STMT_TYPE::PROCESS, “CALL cmd_arena_count(?,?,?,?,?);”) { clear(); } void StmtGMArenaCount::bind(MysqlPrepareStmt* pStmt) { pStmt->bind(DatabaseStmtBindArgs(DATABASE_STMT_BIND_TYPE_PARAM, DATABASE_STMT_TYPE::INT, 0, “params.m_begin_time”, & amp;params.m_begin_time, nullptr)); pStmt->bind(DatabaseStmtBindArgs(DATABASE_STMT_BIND_TYPE_PARAM, DATABASE_STMT_TYPE::INT, 1, […]

01-Prepare the environment to close the firewall service iptables status #Check whether service iptables stop is enabled #Temporarily close chkconfig ipta

01 – Prepare environment Turn off firewall service iptables status #Check whether it is enabled</code><code>service iptables stop #Temporarily closed</code><code>chkconfig iptables off #Permanently closed Turn off selinux setenforce 0 #Temporary shutdown</code><code>#Permanent shutdown requires modifying the configuration file</code><code>vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux Configure IP That is our host IP, which can be viewed through the ifconfig command. 02 – Install […]

Prepare our beloved IDEA to write Jsp

JSP learning 1. Prepare our beloved IDEA New project: New Project –> Next –>Next –>Finsh 2. Configure the server Tomcat-9.0.30 1.> Create a Lib package under WEB-INF Copy jsp-api.jar into it and make it effective Before taking effect: Effective process: 2.> Use hammer to configure TomCat Click the + sign to select the local Tom […]

vs+Qt(6.5) prepares the serial communication between the upper computer and the lower computer based on STC89R51RD+

Learning for the first time is both sharing and recording. Slave computer writing First, you need to have keil software and configure an environment that supports the STC89R51RD + chip, and then start configuring the serial port. Here we use the UART transmission protocol. Here is the configuration procedure: #include <REGX52.H> //Configure serial port void […]

Golang reports an error using sqlx that max_prepared_stmt_count exceeds 16382

Article directory background mysql preprocessing View instance preprocessing details com_stmt_prepare Turn on performance_schema View prepared statements locally Reasons for the spike in prepared statements Generate prepared statements but do not close An error occurred during execution of sql go service analysis Capture packets and analyze packets sent to mysql debug to view preprocessing details sqlx […]

Qt/C++ prepares video surveillance system 81-Onvif alarm capture and video recording and playback

1. Preface The graphic and text alarm module in the video surveillance system is obtained through event subscription of the Onvif protocol. After event subscription, various alarm events of the device, such as intrusion alarm/obstruction alarm/cross-border alarm/switch alarm, etc., are triggered. They will be actively sent to subscribers, and usually they will be sent twice, […]

22 Python artificial intelligence libraries have been carefully prepared. It is recommended to collect them!

In order for everyone to have a preliminary understanding of the Python library commonly used for artificial intelligence, and to choose a library that can meet your own needs for study, a brief and comprehensive introduction to the currently more common artificial intelligence libraries will be given. 1. Numpy NumPy (Numerical Python) is an extension […]