C++STL(5) set container summary

C++ STL(5) set container summary Directory C++ STL(5) set container summary 1. Introduction 2. Constructor and member functions 3. Conclusion 1. Introduction std::set in C++ is a container that provides an ordered, non-repeating collection of elements. The following is some introduction to the std::set container: Ordering: The elements in std::set are sorted in ascending order. […]

Summary of how to write JavaScript control statements—–JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– This is an HTML comment –> <html lang=”en” id=”myHtml”> <head> <!– This does not set the encoding, but tells the browser what encoding method to use to open the file to avoid garbled characters –> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>HtmlAll</title> </head> <body> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”j.js”></script> <table align=”center”> <form id=”myForm”> <tr><td>Login […]

Analysis of consumer reviews of clothing products based on sentiment analysis + cluster analysis + LDA topic analysis

?♂? Personal homepage: @ aiperson’s personal homepage ?About the author: Python learner I hope everyone will support us and we will make progress together! If the article is helpful to you, Welcome to comment Like Collection Add follow + Table of Contents 1.Project background 2. Introduction to data sets 3.Technical Tools 4. Experimental process 4.1 […]

C++STL(2) list container summary

C++ STL(2) list container summary Directory C++ STL(2) list container summary I. Overview 2. Detailed introduction and usage 3. Conclusion 1. Overview std::list is a doubly linked list container provided by the C++ standard library. Unlike std::vector, std::list does not store elements based on continuous memory, but links each element through pointers. This gives std::list […]

[Linux 1++] Threads (3) including producer-consumer model

Author’s homepage: Attack 1++ Column link: [1++ Linux] Article directory 1. Reentrancy and thread safety 2. Deadlock 3. Thread synchronization What is thread synchronization? How to achieve thread synchronization condition variable 4. Producer and consumer model 1. Basic components and concepts of the producer and consumer models One, reentrancy and thread safety Thread safety: Multiple […]

Simple HTTP service to implement random return of directory pictures and HTML to implement Web page design (experiment summary)

1. HTTP service for returning random pictures Implement the configuration environment: python, flask package (install with pip command or directly search for it in the ide and install it directly) Create a flask project directly in python and put the code from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) import os import random from flask import […]

Summary of HPL2.3 installation, configuration and testing under CentOS 7.6

The premise of this article is that MPICH and GotoBLAS2 library functions are installed in the system. Regarding MPICH and GotoBLAS2, please refer to the previous Blog. 1. Set MPI environment variables [root@hpc ~]# more .bashrc # .bashrc # User specific aliases and functions alias rm=’rm -i’ alias cp=’cp -i’ alias mv=’mv -i’ # Source […]

One Demo handles the front-end and back-end multi-part uploading of large files, resumed uploading at breakpoints, and instant uploading.

1Foreword File uploading is very common in project development. Most projects will involve the uploading of pictures, audios, videos, and files. Usually a simple Form can upload small files, but when encountering large files, such as more than 1GB, or When the user’s network is relatively slow, simple file upload is not applicable. The user […]

JavaMap summary

Features key value Key-value pair (entry) A two-column collection needs to store a pair of data at a time, namely the key and the value. Keys cannot be repeated, values can be repeated Keys and values have a one-to-one correspondence, and each key can only find its corresponding value. Key + value form a “key-value […]