POJ 3109 Inner Vertices Discretization + Tree Array

1. General topic On the Go board, if there are chess pieces in the four directions of a certain coordinate, up, down, left, and right, then ans + 1. According to the number of input chess pieces, find the number of ans. 2. Problem-solving ideas The question mentions that if the program does not end, […]

Unity vertices, uv, image maps, and mesh

Mesh is the triangles that make up a 3D object. The mesh is composed of triangles composed of vertices. The size of the triangles does not need to be the same and is determined by the position between the vertices. A mesh can be one or more faces. The origin of the texture is in […]

(16) In the graph, the algorithm idea of finding the shortest path from a vertex to other vertices, Dijkstra (Dijkstra), Bellman-Ford algorithm, Floyd (Floyd) algorithm

Directory algorithm thinking Implementation steps 1. Dijkstra algorithm execution steps: 2. Bellman-Ford algorithm execution steps 3. Floyd algorithm execution steps For example, in the figure above, find the shortest path from V1 to every other vertex. There are 3 common algorithms for finding the shortest path, namely Dijkstra (Dijkstra), Bellman-Ford algorithm, and Floyd (Floyd) algorithm, […]

[Data algorithm and structure] The unweighted directed graph G is stored in an adjacency list, find the in-degree and out-degree of each vertex in the graph G, find the vertex with the largest out-degree in the graph G and output the vertex number, calculate the number of vertices with an out-degree of 0 in the graph G, and judge whether there is an edge <i,j> in the graph G

Title Question:?Try to write an algorithm assuming that the unweighted directed graph G is stored in an adjacency list, and design and implement algorithms to solve the following problems. Find the in-degree of each vertex in graph G. Find the out-degree of each vertex in graph G. Find the vertex with the largest out-degree in […]

Based on the osg engine, the processing of the content of the osg file is realized, which involves the extraction of the specified node node, the change of the online shader content, and the conversion of the storage form of the vertices of the triangle patch

The osg engine modifies the model online OSG Online Modification The osg engine modifies the model online foreword 1. Description of the osg file 2. Implement osg to hide the model for NodeMask source code Compile and execute commands: 3. Extract the model for the node name source code Compile and execute commands: 3. Change […]

Knowing the center point, length, width and rotation angle, find the coordinates of the four vertices of the rectangle (Python)

Knowing the center point, length, width and rotation angle, find the coordinates of the four vertices of the rectangle theoretical basis Case 1: θ ∈ [ 0 , π / 2 ] \theta \in [0, \pi/2] θ∈[0,π/2] Case two: θ ∈ [ π / 2 , π ] \theta \in [\pi/2,\pi] θ∈[π/2,π] Python code implementation […]